Chapter 17

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Chaeyoung and Jungkook got back to his apartment. The way back was a silent one. Chaeyoung made Jungkook lay down on the couch. She brought out the first aid box and her antibiotic ointment. She applied it all over his face and put Band-Aids wherever required. Her eyes were still puffy and glistening with tears. Jungkook  just laid back with his eyes closed.

"I should head back now." She said after treating him. Jungkook opened his eyes to look at her. "Don't go..." He said. She stared at him. "I'm saying because they might come back. It's not safe for you to go alone at this time. Actually, it's not safe for both of us to go outside now." He explained. She sighed. Great. Now she put another innocent soul in danger. He knew exactly what she was thinking.

He intertwined her hands with hers. "Don't think any of this is your fault. Because it's not. He's a jerk and whatever is happening is because of him. Don't put yourself down for that monster." He comforted her. She looked at him. "His OCD is getting worse." She said. He looked at her with confusion. "OCD?" He asked.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder. We read in Psychology remember?" She said. He nodded. "Chanyeol suffers from OCD? That's why he's acting like this?" He asked. She nodded. "It's kind of not his fault since it's his psychological condition. He tried therapy but gave up. Now, he is just not even caring about it." She explained. "Bambam was the one who told us about his condition. He says that Chanyeol wants to get better but when his OCD takes over him... He just can't control himself."

Jungkook listened to all this intently. He was shocked. All this time he thought that Chanyeol was a plain jerk. But he was not. "He loves me and therefore he wants to have me in any cost. I don't know what to do." She buried her face in her hands. Jungkook rubbed her shoulders. "We'll figure this out. Together." He said, smiling slightly. She nodded slowly. He always seemed to calm her down. She didn't know how he did it so effortlessly.

"Stay here tonight. Wash up and come outside. I'll make some dinner." He said. Chaeyoung shook her head. "I will make dinner. You've taken enough trouble already. Wash up while I make something." Jungkook nodded and got up. He knew she wouldn't agree if he insisted.

Jungkook went to his room to freshen up. While showering, he kept thinking about Chaeyoung. There's so much about her that he didn't knew. She's going through so much. He felt so bad for her and wished that he could make it better for her somehow. He doesn't know what he feels for her. Maybe he likes her. Maybe not. Whatever it is, it doesn't change the fact that he is drawn towards her. And he likes being with her. And protecting her. And comforting her. He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't hear Chaeyoung calling him for dinner.


He walked out and saw Chaeyoung sitting on a chair with two bowls of pasta. "I found it in your shelf so I made it. I hope you like it." She smiled and said. Jungkook took a seat and tried her dish. It was delicious of course! "Wah Chaeyoung-ah! You're so talented in cooking. I need to take lessons from you so that I don't starve." He said as he took another big bite. Chaeyoung laughed and started eating herself.

After eating, she got up to take the plates. Jungkook noticed a huge red stain on her clothes. "Yah! What happened to your clothes?" He asked. Chaeyoung looked down her outfit and smiled guiltily. "I spilled a little sauce while making dinner. Clumsy me. Your floor is alright though. It's just my clothes." He stared at her. "I wouldn't have been concerned about my floor. Look at your clothes. You have to change." He said. "But I don't have any extra!" She cried. "Wear something of mine then. You can't stay like that. Put your clothes in the laundry. I'll wash them right now so they'll be ready for you to wear tomorrow."

Jungkook took her to his room and handed her a pair of sweatpants and a large hoodie. "Wash up now. You have to rest. It's been a long day." She went inside the bathroom and took a quick shower. She put on the clothes given by him and put her clothes in the washing machine. His clothes were so comfortable. They had his scent which was very calming to her. 'Yah Chaeng! You have to control your heart. You can't get too close to him if you want him to be safe.'

Chaeyoung admits that she might be enjoying his company a little too much. Who would blame her though? Jungkook was a great guy who never judged her, always comforted her, protected her and most importantly, cared about her feelings.  But she decided not to act on it. Why? Because she believed that she's a bad luck charm. She always caused trouble for people she loved. If she wanted Jungkook to be safe and happy, she has to maintain a distance from him. It's hard but she had to do it. Also, who knows if he even likes her after everything?

Jungkook was sitting on the couch going through his phone. He was texting Jimin and Taehyung and telling them all about today. She came out of the bathroom finally. He noticed her and instantly blushed to see her in his clothes. She looked so breathtaking in his hoodie. Her damp hair was making her look even... hotter. Just seeing her coming out of his room like that made him feel some type of way. Does he really have feelings for her? Are Taehyung and Jimin right after all?

"You should sleep in your room today." Chaeyoung said. Jungkook snapped back into the present. "What?" He asked. "I said, you should sleep in your room tonight. You've got beaten up after all. I don't want to cause more discomfort." She said. "There's really no-" But Jungkook was cut off by her again. "Please Jungkook. It'll make me feel better if you sleep on your bed tonight." Jungkook sighed and agreed. He can't win against her tonight. Her look was his weakness. He was way too submissive at the moment. He agreed and made the couch as comfortable as he could.

"Just let me know if you need anything okay?" He said. Chaeyoung nodded and smiled. Jungkook smiled back and left to his room. Chaeyoung sat down on the couch, all types of depressing thoughts in her head. She missed her mom. She just wished to wake up from the nightmare that was her life. She laid down and instantly fell asleep.

Jungkook entered his room and shut the door quickly. What just happened to him back there? He felt that weird feeling to see Chaeyoung in his clothes. She looked so hot and unreal. He put his hand on his heart. Does he really like her? Heck, who would not? She's the perfect girl one can imagine of. He shook his head. 'Calm down Jungkook. You can't feel like this towards her.' Repeating that, he went to his bed and laid down, unable to sleep. He kept thinking about her over and over again.

Boy it's going to be a long night.

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