Chapter 7

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"Hey!" Chaeyoung said, smiling the best as she can.

She looked up at the figure on the door, holding it open for her. She saw him looking exhausted, with sweat dripping down his forehead, his bangs slightly damp. His black shirt was sticking to his chest. Chaeyoung felt that strange feeling again. She could make out his well-defined body by the way the shirt sticked to his chest and abs. She felt her cheek starting to turn red. She looked down quickly, pressing her lips together.

Jungkook noticed this behavior. Why did she look away? Is she not happy seeing him? All kinds of thoughts flooded his mind in seconds. Finally, he replied to her. "Hello, Chaeyoung. Um please come in."

Chaeyoung slowly walked past him into the apartment. She was still looking down, afraid that he might see her blushing.

"Um is everything alright?" She turned to him and asked avoiding eye contact.

"Why would there be something wrong again?" Jungkook titled his head and raised one eyebrow, looking down at her.

She finally looked up at him. Jungkook could see something in her eyes that he has never seen in anyone's before. Something that is called concern. "You just look really.. exhausted. And you're sweating as well. Are you okay? Do you want me to come some other time?" She asked.

Jungkook was slightly taken aback by the statement. No one has ever asked him those words. 'Are you okay?' Except his two friends, no body cared that much about him. He felt warm in his heart to hear her say that. But was it because he was longing to hear those words from other people? Or just her?

"Jungkook. If you want, I can come back tomorrow. I really have no problem." She was concerned about him. He looked tired. She didn't want him to force himself to tutor her if he's not feeling well. She doesn't want to pressure him.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry. I'll just get changed. Please make yourself comfortable. I'll be back in a second." Jungkook said, smiling after a while.

Chaeyoung was happy when she saw him smiling. It was the second time he has smiled at her. 'Does he know that he looks great when she smiles?' she thought to herself. She saw Jungkook turn around and disappear in the room at the back.

She looked around the apartment. It was one bedroom with a bathroom, kitchen and living area. It was a descent place for a college student and judging by the looks, he did spend a lot of his time indoors. It was cleaner, as compared to her other male friends. She sat on the couch, as her eyes fell on a picture frame at the side table. It contained a picture of three boys, playing in a park with school uniforms. She picked it up gently and examined it. "Wah! Jeon Jungkook was so cute when he was young." She quietly whispered to herself.


Jungkook washed up and changed into another shirt. He was embarrassed about the fact that Chaeyoung had to see him like that. He was face palming himself in his mind. 'Why do you keep embarrassing yourself in front of her idiot?'

He fixed his hair and wiped his face for the last time before heading out to the living room. As he exited his bedroom door and was going to turn around the corner, he heard a small whisper. "Jeon Jungkook was so cute when he was young." He blushed and stared at the girl, admiring the picture that his parents took 15 years ago. He couldn't help but release a smile.

Chaeyoung put the frame down and waited for Jungkook to come out. She was exhausted but she had to meet everyone's expectations. She sighed thinking about it.

Jungkook entered the room. "I'm back. Shall we start?" He asked her.

Chaeyoung looked up at him. He had changed into a white oversized t-shirt with blue denims with messy hair which screamed boyfriend material. She smiled and got up. "I'm ready."

"Okay then..." Jungkook said as they both were seated on his study table in his bedroom. "First, I'll go over the basic formulae and teach you the fundamentals. Then we'll progress over to the problems. Pay attention to every detail I say." Jungkook said.

Chaeyoung nodded and put on a serious expression on her face. She looked so cute that Jungkook let out a chuckle. Chaeyoung looked at him and innocently asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing. Let's focus." Jungkook said, still smiling. Chaeyoung also smiled looking at his smile. She really loved his smile for some reason. It reminded her of a bunny. Cute and wide.

An hour passed by. Chaeyoung was trying her best to get all the fundamentals right. She still made mistakes but Jungkook corrected her.
"No Chaeyoung-ah! You have to divide first, then multiply. You won't get the answer right if you do it the other way around." He kept advising her and correcting her.

Chaeyoung could feel the sense of dominance in his voice. It was something new. She has never seen him so confident and dominant. Before, he couldn't even finish a sentence without stuttering. Now, he was so confident when speaking with her. She found this side of him extremely attractive. But she didn't realize that.

"Aah! This is hard!" Chaeyoung groaned in frustration. Jungkook looked at her with concern written in his face. "Let's end the lesson here today okay? I want you to go home and practice all the fundamentals I've taught you. We'll revise those first tomorrow and then progress." Jungkook said with a small smile.

This was somewhat nice to hear for Chaeyoung. She nodded, returning his smile. "I should leave then. Lisa might be starving since I'm not there." Chaeyoung said with a laugh.

Jungkook chuckled, looking at her. As he was going to say something, he heard a loud rumble from outside.

Both of them looked at each other then outside the window in confusion. "Um. I think it's going to rain now." Jungkook slowly said.

Chaeyoung stared at him wide eyed as the rain started thundering down upon the earth.

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