Chapter 12

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Jungkook walked out of the building after his class to find Jimin and Taehyung waiting for him near his car. They both turned around to face him and noticed his injury. Obviously, they both got worried about him instantly. "Yah! What's up with that wound? What happened to you?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook didn't want to lie. But he didn't want to worry them either. So he again repeated his lie. "I tripped and fell." He flatly said.

"Jungkook. We know you too well for your own good. No one trips and injures the corner of their mouth." Jimin said. "What really happened Jungkook-ah?" Taehyung asked again.

Jungkook sighed, half knowing that this was coming. They do know him too well for his own good. He took a deep breath and told them all about what happened in the morning. All about his little interaction with popular boy Chanyeol. After listening to his story, Jimin and Taehyung were furious.

"How dare he? That little jerk!" Taehyung said. "Tae. Calm. Don't do anything yet." Jimin said. He was mad too. But he knew Taehyung was short-tempered. So he tried to remain calmer for him. "Honestly, I'm really proud of you standing up to him." Jimin said, turning to Jungkook and patting his shoulder. Taehyung also complimented Jungkook for his stand and told him he was proud. "But you don't deserve to get hit. Moreover, poor Chaeyoung. How in the world she deals with that bastard?" Taehyung said.

Jungkook has been thinking about her the entire day. She didn't attend today's mathematics class. Last he saw her was in the morning. He wants to see her and talk to her. He needs to make sure she's okay. He whipped out his phone and texted her.


Hey. Are you still coming tonight?

Hey! Yes of course! Why do you ask?

Oh nothing. Just checking. You didn't attend today's class so I thought maybe you're not up for it.

Oh. That. Yeah, something came up. But it's solved. I guess. Anyways, I'll see you tonight :)

Okay good. See you.

He felt a little relieved to know that she's okay. Well, at least it seemed like it. Didn't it? He still felt some type of way. Maybe he'll feel better after seeing her personally?

"Should we go?" Jimin interrupted his thoughts. "Yeah. Sure.."

The three of them sat in the car and drove off. Taehyung kept ranting about different things in the backseat, starting from the unfairness of the popular kids to his lessons and classes. Jimin was trying to calm him down, while Jungkook's gaze was on the road. He still had that unsettling feeling but he had to wait till that night to see if everything is actually okay or not.


Chaeyoung rang the apartment bell and seconds later, was greeted by Jungkook. "Hey. Come on in." He said smiling.

Chaeyoung returned his smile and entered the room. She really loved his place. It was well organized and clean. More importantly, it gave her a warm and cozy feel. She dropped on the couch to rest her legs. "Did you walk again today?" He asked.

She looked up at him and grinned. "I've got myself an umbrella this time though!" She said. Jungkook chuckled and headed to the kitchen to get a bottle of water before they start their lesson. "Shall we begin?" He said while walking up to her. Chaeyoung stared at him and stood up. She came closer until she was a few inches away from his face. Jungkook felt his heart starting to beat faster. Why is she so close to him? She looked at his eyes then at his lips. More specifically, his bruise.

"Why did you lie to me?" She asked. This took Jungkook by surprise. What was she talking about?

She looked back up to his eyes. "I want an honest answer this time." Jungkook blinked multiple times. "I don't know.. what you're talking about." He managed to say. Chaeyoung looked down and shook her head. Looking back up she said, "You know what I'm talking about. Chanyeol told me all about your little encounter. This wound..." She touched the corner of his lips gently, which caused Jungkook to flinch. "You haven't even applied any medicine!" She exclaimed.

Jungkook suddenly felt bad about lying to her. But as much as he hated to worry her, he enjoyed it at the same time. Her warmth, her care. It seemed to fill the large hole in his heart. "Come..." She said, pulling his arm.

She made him sit on the couch and pulled out an antibiotic ointment from her bag. "I'm always prepared you know." She said, smilingly, as she applied the cream on his wound. Her face was so close to his. While she was applying the cream, he admired her flawless face. "All done." She said, pulling back. "Now, to the point again. Why did you lie?" She asked again.

"I just... didn't want you to worry or be upset." He truthfully admitted, looking down because of embarrassment. Chaeyoung smiled, cupped his face and lifted his head up. "You lying to me makes me more upset." She said. Jungkook stared at her eyes. He got up from his seat and asked, "Why is that?" Chaeyoung didn't know how to respond really. She herself doesn't know the answer to that. He was staring so intensely at her. "Um because... I'm your friend! That's why! Friends don't lie to each other you know..." She managed to say. "We should start our lesson." She said, avoiding eye contact. Jungkook let out a resisted breath and nodded.

After the lesson...

"Thanks for today!" Chaeyoung said as they both walked towards the door. "You were much better today. I can see you've been practicing." Jungkook proudly said. "Thanks!" Chaeyoung blushed. They both stood there awkwardly. "I should get going then..." She said. "Huh? Yeah yeah. Of course." He said, opening the door. Chaeyoung walked out and as she said goodbye and started to walk away, she thought of something.

"Jungkook?" She called, turning around. He was half way through closing the door when he heard her. "Yes?" He said. "Do you think we can hangout later? Outside our lessons?" She asked. Jungkook wasn't used to such offers but he had to admit that he got excited hearing those words from Chaeyoung. "Sure! Where though?" He asked brightly. "Oh don't worry about it. I'll text you okay?" She said with a bright smile. "Um okay. Sounds good! Be safe and text me when you reach." He said.

Chaeyoung nodded happily and started walking again. She was sure that Jungkook and her were going to be great friends.

Little did she know, someone was keeping a close eye on her from a distance. "Watch Jungkook and Chaeyoung like a hawk. I'm going to claim what's mine." Chanyeol said to his friends, sitting in his car a few feet away from the building. Daniel and Mark looked at each other and then nodded.

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