Chapter 3

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Jungkook walked in between the large bookshelves in the library, trying to find what he was looking for. He scanned his eyes through the filled rows of the shelves. After minutes of searching, he found it. He smiled and pulled out the book. He admired the cover and dusted it lightly with his hands.

"Why does this have to be so hard??"

Jungkook flinched and turned around to see whose voice that was. He couldn't see properly through the small opening in between the rows of the book shelves. All he saw was two beautiful eyes but they looked really confused and troubled. He kept on listening. Somehow the voice seemed familiar.

"I don't know which one is the right book! Should I just take all or should I take one?" She kept talking to herself.

Jungkook thought that maybe she doesn't realize that she's talking with herself. He looked down at his book and decided to go before she notices him and thinks of him as a creep.

When he turned around the corner to go to the librarian's desk, he again bumped into someone. It all happened so quick. They both lost their balance. Jungkook fell on his back on the floor. The other person fell face forwards on him. It took them a couple of seconds to realize what happened. Jungkook annoyingly looked at the person who caused all this. He was ready to forget all his social awkwardness and fight. That was until, he saw the face.

Her hair was all over her face because of the fall. She was struggling to get it all together. Her eyes met his. For a few seconds, Jungkook felt that he was getting lost in her eyes. Those brown eyes with hints of hazel, made him feel calm. He stared at her with his lips slightly parted. Her face was flawless. Her lips were even more beautiful. Her soft, dark hair kept brushing his face. Jungkook felt a strange feeling in his heart. His face was turning red but he could not seem to move. She stared back at him. After a few moments, she got up, letting Jungkook move again. She stood back quickly and waited for him to stand up again.

"I'm so sorry! I really am!" She kept repeating to him. Jungkook still could not process what happened so he just kept looking down, as red as a tomato.

"I was carrying a lot of reference books and I could not see you turning around. I apologise for everything." She kept apologising to him.

"I-It's okay, Chaeyoung-ssi." Jungkook managed to speak.

"Look at this mess. I'm sorry you dropped your book. Here you go. I hope you're not hurt. That was quite a fall." Chaeyoung picked up his book and held it out for him.

Jungkook looked at her hands and slowly accepted the book. He looked at the ground and saw numerous mathematics reference books.

He got down and started picking all of them. "Y-you don't have to. I'll pick them up." Chaeyoung said. Jungkook didn't say anything and picked up all the books.

"It would be difficult to pick them all with your skirt. Here." Jungkook said quickly, still red and looking down. He handed all the books to Chaeyoung and left the library, leaving her slightly shocked.


Chaeyoung walked into the aisle of reference books and stood there shocked.

"Do I have to choose from all of this??" She sighed and started looking through the books. After some minutes, which seemed like hours to her, she got annoyed.

"Why does this have to be so hard??" She said out loud. She didn't realize that she was talking to herself now. "Should I just take all or one?" She was very much confused, troubled and annoyed. "Aish. In taking all this. Lisa will help me pick later." With that, she tried to carry all the books with her thin arms. "Whoa. This is lot harder than I thought. I knew I should have wore pants today." She started walking, trying to fix her skirt while carrying the pile of reference books in her hands. What she didn't realize is that she walked into someone while doing so.

She bumped into the person in front of her. She didn't see him turn around. She fell face forwards on him while he fell backwards, causing a thud. The books were everywhere and her hair got messed up and fell on her face. She tried to get it all together when she looked at the face staring at her.

His Bambi eyes were hidden behind the glasses he was wearing. His bangs covered his forehead while his baby pink lips were slightly parted. His cheeks were rosy and it looked like his breathing had stopped. Her hair slightly brushed his right cheek. She stared at him while her heart started beating faster and her breathing became faster.

After a few moments, she realized that she was on top of him. Flustered, she quickly got up and adjusted her outfit. She felt embarrassed and guilty at the same time.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that you were turning around the corner." She kept on apologising to him because she felt very embarrassed. She noticed that he kept his head down.

"It's okay, Chaeyoung-ssi". He said. For some reason, her name sounded so good and calming from his lips. Chaeyoung almost melted because of the sound of her name through his voice.

She looked down and then at him. She quickly picked up his book and held it out for him. She was concerned whether he had hurt his back or something, that's why he kept quiet. "I hope you're not hurt. That was quite a fall."

She noticed that he raised his eyes to meet hers. She felt her cheeks turning red. 'Chaeyoung-ah! What is happening to you?'

He slowly dropped on his knees and started picking up all the books. She was taken by surprise.

"I-It's okay. I'll do it myself."

"It would be difficult to pick them all with your skirt. Here." He said while looking down. She took the books from his hands, still quite taken aback. He quickly left the room, leaving her alone with the books.

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