Chapter 11

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Chaeyoung and Lisa sat down at their usual table during lunch. "Oh. Jennie and Jisoo are not joining us today." Lisa said. "Why?" Chaeyoung asked. "Jennie wants to check out the new mall. She dragged Jisoo with her." Lisa casually said. Chaeyoung laughed. "Well, that's Jennie all right."

"Hey babygirl." A voice called her. She turned her head to see Chanyeol taking a seat beside her, looking at her intensely. This state of his made her uncomfortable. "Um hi, Chanyeol." She awkwardly said. Lisa nodded at him, giving him an uncomfortable smile. They both were definitely not in the mood today.

"What? You're not happy to see me?" Chanyeol joked. Lisa gave him a are-you-serious look. Chaeyoung just kept smiling awkwardly. "Anyways, I had a talk with your new tutor." He added.

This caused both of the girls to look at him in confusion. "What?" Chaeyoung asked. "I talked with that guy who is tutoring you. You don't have to worry. I made sure he knows where he stands and who you belong to." He said while massaging his fist. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow and glanced at Lisa, who was as confused and concerned as she was.

"What even are you talking about?" Lisa asked. Chanyeol stared at them in disbelief that they still don't get it. "I talked with that Jungkook guy. Told him to stay away from you and that you belong to me. I don't know why but he was getting braver with me. Started talking back. Telling me to leave you alone and you are your own person and what you two do is none of my business and some shit like that."

The girls listened to all this with open mouths. "I got really pissed and I hit him. Pretty sure his face was bleeding. Anyways he deserved it. I can't let him hurt my baby." He continued.

Chaeyoung couldn't understand if she should be angry or guilty. That wound on his face wasn't because he fell. It was because he hit him. Why? Because of her. She also felt angry because Jungkook lied to her. But moreover, she felt sorry and guilty. And right now, the face in front of her wasn't making it any better for her.

"Have you lost your damn mind??" She yelled at Chanyeol which made him flinch. "Baby..." He whispered. "Don't you dare call me that! I'm not your baby! How dare you touch him?" She yelled. By now, everyone near them could hear what's going on. Lisa got up from her seat and held Chaeyoung by her shoulders. "Chaeng. Calm down girl. Don't make a scene here."

"No Lisa! I've had enough. Listen you..." She said turning to him. "I'm not interested in you. I don't want to do anything with you. I tried to be polite but you just don't get the hint. How dense are you?" Chanyeol was now standing up and looking at her with fury and embarrassment. "Just because I don't say anything don't think that I like it okay? Don't hurt people because of me! Especially the ones who I care about." With that, she grabbed her bag and stormed off, with Lisa following after her.

Chanyeol stood there and people around him started murmuring. He let out a frustrated groan and stormed off.


Chaeyoung kept on walking and walking until she got to the cafe nearby. Lisa followed her without saying anything because she knew Chaeyoung was upset right now. She's not the type of person to snap like that. But when things get real out of hand, Chaeyoung can't just sit quietly.

They finally found a seat near the window overlooking the street. Lisa ordered their usual and watched her friend. She hated to see her like this. "Chaeng. Are you okay?" She finally asked. Chaeyoung looked up and sighed. "I don't know. I got really frustrated. How can he hit him? You saw that wound? It was really bad!" She said.

"I know. You did the right thing." Lisa comforted. "You think?" She asked. "Of course I do! That guy has made your life a living hell. He acted like a total stalker. Who knows what else he does that we don't know about?" She said. Chaeyoung nodded in agreement. "I just.. feel bad for Jungkook. He got hit because of me. Also, I'm upset that he lied to me about that too. His wound looked bad and it was because of me." Chaeyoung buried her face in her hands. Lisa reached out and rubbed her arms. "Hey! It's fine. He probably didn't want you to worry." She consoled.

Chaeyoung looked up at her. "I always cause trouble to people I love. First, my parents, then you guys, then Jungkook." She said, tears forming in her eyes. Lisa got up and went to hug her from behind. "Hey! It's not you. You are not a problem to us. We're very lucky to have you. What happened in your past and what is happening now is not your fault." Lisa said as she tightly hugged her.

Chaeyoung held her arms, trying her best not to break down. She can do this. 'Be strong Chaeng.' Her mother's voice drifted in her ears. Chaeyoung took a deep breath and smiled a little at Lisa, signalling her that she's okay now. Lisa sat back in her seat, but she kept holding Chaeyoung's hand.

"HEY GUYS!" A voice called them. They turned to see Jennie's cheerful face and Jisoo's bored face. They smiled and signalled them to join them. Jennie and Jisoo sensed the tension in the atmosphere. "Whoa! Why so gloomy?" Jisoo asked.

Chaeyoung opened her mouth to explain but Lisa cut her off. "Let me tell the story Chaeng." She then explained the two girls the entire story. Jisoo and Jennie sat back at their seat, processing the information. "Wow. Just wow." Jisoo said. "Chaeng. I'm so proud of you." She added.

"Hell yeah! That jerk deserved it. I hope he learned his lesson. I love my savage Chaeng." Jennie leaned in and hugged her. Chaeyoung laughed and added, "I learned from the best." This caused the table to burst out in giggles.

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