Chapter 8

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"Oh my God! It's raining so hard! How will I go home?" Chaeyoung started panicking.

Jungkook just stood there nervously since he didn't know what else to do.

"You have a car right?" She asked hopefully. Jungkook pressed his lips before answering, "I do. But my friends borrowed it for tonight." She let out a worried cry. "What am I going to do? I can't walk back. I'll get wet and I catch a cold very easily!" She continued.

Jungkook rubbed his forehead with his right hand as he listened to her. Suddenly, lights went out causing him to slightly jump in his seat. Chaeyoung let out a yelp and grabbed his left hand. He froze at the contact.

He felt Chaeyoung was scared. Even in the cold atmosphere, her forehead had beads of perspiration. Her eyes were shiny with tears. "P-please do something. I'm scared of the dark." She pleaded. Jungkook's expression changed when he heard her. He put his right hand on hers and gave it a light squeeze. "Calm down." He quickly took his cell phone and turned on the torch. He saw her face more clearly now. She was nearly crying. Jungkook stared her face. 'So beautiful.' he thought.

"Come with me. I have an emergency light somewhere in the kitchen. Don't be scared. You're with me." Chaeyoung felt more relaxed hearing his encouraging words. She still didn't let his hand go. She latched onto his arms like a little girl as be guided her to the kitchen. Jungkook searched through his cabinets and found a small emergency light. He switched it on and the room was filled with a dim light. It wasn't much but it was enough for Chaeyoung to feel relaxed.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for.. grabbing you all of a sudden. But I have a fear of darkness from my childhood." Chaeyoung said. Jungkook offered her a towel to wipe her sweat which she gratefully accepted. She looked out of the window, looking at the downpour, wondering what she'll do now.

Jungkook could not believe himself when he said, "You can stay the night if you don't have a problem. It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop anytime soon."

Chaeyoung stared at him, quite not believing what he just offered. "It's only if you don't have a problem." He said quickly. To his surprise, Chaeyoung smiled at him. "Thank you for the offer Jungkook. But I think I'll try calling Lisa. Maybe she can help me." Jungkook hesitantly nodded, a part of him a little disappointed. 'Huh? I should be happy. Why am I feeling disappointed?' he thought.

Chaeyoung took her phone out but it won't turn on. "Huh? Why won't it turn on?" Chaeyoung said as she tapped multiple times on it. Then she realized...

"It's dead." She said.


Jungkook and Chaeyoung sat on the couch awkwardly, while waiting for the power to come back. Jungkook kept glancing at her once in a while, while she kept looking at her knees.

"Uh.. do you need something? To eat or drink? It's past dinner time already." Jungkook asked. Chaeyoung looked at him finally. She was getting hungry for sure but didn't say anything until now. "Well... Now that you've mentioned it. Sure!" She said smiling.

Jungkook nodded and got up to go to the kitchen. Chaeyoung followed him and sat on the chair near the counter. "What's for dinner?" She asked putting her cheek on her palm, while looking at him. Jungkook smiled. "I'm not a great cook so I usually have cereal for dinner. Is there something you want?" He asked. Chaeyoung put a thoughtful expression and finally said, "I know what I want. I'll make you my special pancakes. I've been meaning to make them for a while but I couldn't find any time." She said excitedly as she stood up. Jungkook chuckled at her excitement. "I'll make them for you. Just tell me the recipe." He insisted. "No no! I'll do it. I love making them! Also, I can't disclose my secret ingredient to you yet!" She said as she grabbed his shoulders and pushed him on the chair.

Jungkook sat down and stared at her with a smile. He loved how playful and excited she's acting. Chaeyoung grabbed the bowls and all the ingredients for the pancakes. She made the batter and put it on the pan. Jungkook could only focus on the fact that Park Chaeyoung was in his kitchen making him dinner. He could not believe his luck. He was surprised at himself that he felt so comfortable around her. Knowing him, he would be banging his head on the wall by now. But, with her, he felt comfortable and happy. As if he knew her for a long time.

"Here you go!" Chaeyoung said. Jungkook shook his head and looked at the beautiful golden pancakes in front of him. They looked delicious. Jungkook took one bite and his eyes widened. "Oh my God! These are so delicious! Where were these my entire life??" He said.

Chaeyoung giggled at his comment. "Do you like them that much?" She asked. "I freaking love them! I want these everyday!" He kept saying. Chaeyoung loved when people complimented her skills. "I learned the recipe from my grandma. She loves to cook for me." She said. "Well I thank God for making your grandma who made this into reality." He said as he joined his hands, as if he's actually praying. Chaeyoung laughed. Jungkook laughed to see her laugh. "Oh. And you can sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on the couch. I don't think the rain is stopping." He continued while looking out the window.

Chaeyoung followed his gaze and sighed. 'Why do I always cause trouble?' "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She sadly replied. Jungkook stared at her, stood up and walked closer to her. "Hey. Don't worry about it. It's not at all a problem. Also, it's not your fault." Jungkook said while staring down at her. Their eyes met. Jungkook kept staring at her light brown eyes which always made him feel calm and Chaeyoung could not help but admire his adorable eyes filled with love and care. For her.

A bright light caused them to come back to the present. "Huh. I think our power problem is fixed." Jungkook said. "Uh do you want to wash up first?" He asked. Chaeyoung nodded, still thinking about the moment. "Okay. I'll fix up the bed. Take your time." Jungkook smiled and went to his room, leaving Chaeyoung feeling some type of way.

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