Chapter 27

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Jungkook walked outside the building where Chanyeol was waiting for him furiously in the front parking lot. He glared at him like he was about to rip him into pieces. Jungkook was nervous, of course, but he was ready to face anything. For Chaeyoung.

He walked towards Chanyeol slowly. He was still glaring at him, his eyes filled with anger and hatred, his face almost red in colour. He stopped a couple feet in front of him. "Jeon Jungkook..." Chanyeol growled, which took Jungkook a little bit aback. "You have no idea what you have done." He continued. Jungkook kept staring right into his eyes but his heart was beating really fast. He gulped a little but did not break the intense eye contact that they both shared.

Chanyeol moved a few steps towards him. Jungkook could hear some whispers from behind, implying that they had audience. Chanyeol glanced at his back and smirked. "As much as I would like to beat you up in front of everyone... I am a little bit selfish. I want to enjoy the scene by myself." He said, still glaring at him. "Get in the freaking car." He commanded.

Jungkook just stood there, completely frozen. He was confused as what was he talking about. Where is he going to take him? When Chanyeol saw that he was not following his words, he held him by his shirt collar and shoved him into his car. He slammed the door shut and himself got in. He recklessly turned the car and drove off in full speed. Jungkook was shocked and scared. He was sure that if Chanyeol doesn't murder him, he will die because of the car accident that will occur if he kept driving in that speed.

Chanyeol pulled over at a empty field and got out of the car. He opened the passenger's door and pulled Jungkook out as he had shoved him in. He held him near his own face. "You are dead, Jeon Jungkook. You are so, so dead." He breathed. Jungkook didn't know what to do. Chanyeol was so furious. His body was fuming with anger and eyes held nothing but hatred. "Any last words before I break your freaking bones?" He asked.

"Chanyeol calm down. You're not thinking straight!" Jungkook said. "Oh I'm thinking straight. Never been so sure of anything actually. Why kid? Why Chaeyoung? Why do you have to have what's mine? Didn't I make it clear the last ten times? Huh? I thought after exposing your relationship you will break up with her. But oh no. You had to learn the hard way!" He growled. Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "Wait... You were the one to expose us? You made the picture viral?" He asked. Chanyeol let go of his collar and glared at him. "Well of course I did. I followed you two for three weeks straight. Wherever you went, I was there. You know how hard it was to control myself when I saw your hands around her? When you were close to her? Let me tell you something for the last time kid... SHE IS MINE!" Chanyeol yelled and raised his fist to throw a punch at him. But he was stopped midway when a small figure leapt in front of Jungkook to protect him.

"Chaeyoung?" He asked, shocked.


Chaeyoung glared at Chanyeol as he slowly dropped his raised fist. Jungkook stood behind Chaeyoung, looking at her with complete shock. How did she find them?

"Chaeyoung... Don't come in between us." Chanyeol warned. "Why?" She flatly asked. "It's none of your business." Chanyeol replied instantly. "Well you're talking to my boyfriend about out relationship so obviously this is my business." She fired back. Jungkook noticed Chanyeol's expression turning darker at Chaeyoung's reply. "Chaeyoung please..." Jungkook whispered. "Don't involve yourself in this...." He added.

Chaeyoung turned to face him with surprise in her eyes. "Jungkook... I can't believe you're saying this. This doesn't involve you only okay? It's OUR relationship! It involves BOTH of us!" She said. As Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, she put her hand in his mouth. "Please..." She said. "Let me help you. I hate to see you struggling through this alone. I never was able to help you before... Let me do it now." She said with a soft expression. Jungkook sighed. He knew there was nothing that could convince her now.

Chanyeol was on the brink of his explosion to see Chaeyoung and Jungkook so close to each other. He growled in frustration and grabbed Chaeyoung's wrist, whipping her around and trapping her in between his arms. It was so swift and fast that she didn't realise what was going on. Even Jungkook was confused with the sudden change in the positions. Chanyeol held her tightly in his arms and clashed his lips on hers. Chaeyoung's eyes widened in horror. So did Jungkook's. He stood there, anger creeping up, as he saw Chanyeol kissing his girlfriend.

Chaeyoung tried to break free but he was too strong for her. Finally, Jungkook realised she was struggling and advanced towards them. He pulled her out of his strong grip and landed a hard punch on his face, causing him to tumble on the floor.

"Have you lost your God damned mind??" He yelled at Chanyeol. Chaeyoung stood frozen, as Jungkook wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. "It's okay honey... I'm here... Don't panic." He comforted her. She gently nodded and Jungkook let her go. He then turned to face Chanyeol who was sitting on the ground, with a blank expression. His face was making him feel more angry. How dare he touch his girlfriend?

He advanced towards him and pulled him up by his collar. "You jerk! How dare you? Don't you have left a slightest bit of humanity in you?? Or have you lost yourself in your obsession so much that you can't see how it's affecting the person in front of you??" He yelled. Chanyeol glanced at Jungkook, who was glaring at him. He could see the anger in his eyes. He glanced at Chaeyoung, who was standing blankly, still shocked by the event. "Jungkook..." He started. He saw her. She looked scared. Scared of him.

"Can't you see how it's affecting her? Can't you see that she is hurting by your behaviour? Can't you see her needs and wants? If you truly loved her you would be happy if she was happy! But you found happiness in her misery, didn't you??" Jungkook kept yelling.

Chanyeol listened to everything silently. "I'm sorry..." He muttered. Jungkook looked at him with confusion. "What?" He asked. "I said I'm sorry." He repeated. Jungkook looked at his face. He saw an expression that he had never seen on Chanyeol's face before. Something called guilt and remorse.

"You're sorry?" He asked again, unable to believe his ears. Chanyeol nodded. "I am the stupidest person alive..."

Chanyeol looked down and took a few steps back. "I was so lost in my obsession... I couldn't see the truth. Although I really wanted her, I never planned to do this... I never wanted to hurt her. I know I don't make any sense right now. But it's true..." He explained. Jungkook and Chaeyoung both stared at him with utter shock.

"I just lose myself when I see you with her, touching her the way I wanted to touch her, making her smile the way I wanted to. But I failed to realise that I wasn't doing a great job in that. I was jealous that she felt comfortable around you and not me..." He looked up at Chaeyoung and took a few steps towards her. He noticed her going back a little, which saddened him. But he understood. "Chaeyoung... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I forced you into something that you never wanted. I am ashamed." He looked down and turned to Jungkook.

"Jungkook... I'm sorry for making your life a living hell. I can't do anything more than apologize." He tried to fight back his urge to cry. That's the last thing he wanted.

Jungkook face softened and he slowly walked towards him, and put his hand on his shoulder. "I forgive you for what you did to me. But I can't say anything for Chaeyoung." He said.

"Really?" Chanyeol exclaimed. "Thank you... And about her... That's okay. I know she won't forgive me now. And I understand." He looked down and bit his lip. "I think I should leave now. I need to get my shit together..." He said. Jungkook nodded and watched him slowly leave.

After Chanyeol left, he looked back at his girl. She was still surprised by the events. He walked towards her and engulfed her in a hug.

"It's been a long day babe. Let's just go back to my apartment hm?" He asked.

Chaeyoung nodded. Her loss of speech concerned him but he thought better than pestering her to talk. He held her by her shoulder as they both walked towards the car that she drove to come there. He will ask questions when Chaeyoung was normal enough to answer.


A/N : Next chapter will be the last chapter :'(
It's been a long journey my readers!

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