Chapter 16

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Jungkook and Chaeyoung were sitting on his desk, reviewing the chapters for the quiz next week. Chaeyoung was much more confident this time. She was sure she will easily get a B. But she was trying harder to get an A. Jungkook could see the amount of concentration and hard work she was putting in. He felt proud of her. She got almost all the questions he gave her correct.

"Well done Chaeyoung! You've got almost everything correct. Just be careful doing the complex calculations. You might miss something." He said with a smile. She nodded and sat back. "Ah. I've worked hard. I hope I get the desired marks." She said. "You will!" He replied. Chaeyoung smiled slightly and played with her pen. He noticed she was a little down today.

"Are you feeling alright? You've been so low the entire time..." He asked. She looked up at him. "Yeah I'm good... It's just..." She started but hesitated. Jungkook put his hand on her wrist. "You can tell me." He said. Chaeyoung smiled.

"It's just... My whole life was decided by my father. Everything. What I should do and what I shouldn't. He was not happy when I was born. He wanted a son so that he could grow the family heirloom. But he was stuck with me. He always blamed my mother for everything I did wrong. And I hated that. I tried my best to be perfect so that my mom would not have to deal with my father. But there was always something I did wrong. He made my mother's life a living hell and I just can't forget all the nights he kept yelling at her for producing a useless child. He kept forcing me to do things his way... To make me perfect. But I don't think I ever met his expectations."

"My mother couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the house. But she never came back. She met with an accident and passed away. Today is her birthday. And I'm missing her too much." She continued as tears filled her eyes and started rolling down her cheeks. Jungkook squeezed her hand lightly. "After her passing away, my father started abusing me. I couldn't take it anymore as well. I ran off to my grandma's and never looked back at him. He didn't even try to look for me. It's like I never existed. My grandma has been taking care of me for 10 years. She's my only family." By now, she was a crying mess.

Jungkook got up from his seat and went behind her to hug her. He wrapped his arms around her slender figure and nuzzled his head against hers. "Please don't cry... I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you. You don't deserve it." He said in a deep voice. Chaeyoung calmed down a little. She looked at him. His eyes were glistening with tears. Their gazes were locked and they didn't mind that. "Do you want to go outside? A little fresh air might help you." He said. She nodded and got up. Both of them headed out the door to take a short walk.


It was a cold night. Although it was summer, cold breeze was constantly flowing. Chaeyoung was wearing a basic white shirt with shorts. She shivered each time the breeze brushed against her. Jungkook noticed that she was cold.

He was wearing a sweatshirt on top of his t-shirt. He pulled out the sweatshirt and put it on her shoulders. "Jungkook! You'll feel cold! Put it back on." She said. "Nope. I like the breeze. I'll be fine." He said, smiling widely at her. He went in front of her, walking backwards. "You'll fall down like that silly! Walk normally!" She giggled.

As they were walking, a car stopped besides them. They both looked at it. Chaeyoung slowly grabbed Jungkook's arm. The door opened and came out three guys. "Well well well. Look who we have here." The voice said. Chaeyoung recognized him in an instant. So did Jungkook. Chanyeol, Daniel and Mark stood in front of them. The smell of alcohol was evident even from the distance. Jungkook pushed Chaeyoung behind him. He was looking at Chanyeol sternly. His blood boiled everytime he looked at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Chanyeol laughed. "What do you think?" He came closer. "I'm just here to take my babygirl. Apparently, you can't seem to leave her alone. Give me her." He advanced towards her. Jungkook put his hand on his chest to resist him. "Don't you dare touch her with your alcohol filled body." He coldly said. "Oh. You're stopping me? Who are you huh? Her boyfriend?" Chanyeol rebuked. Jungkook felt the sting in his heart. "It doesn't matter who I am. Stay away now." He replied, his anger growing.

Chaeyoung was going to cry. As much as Jungkook's protectiveness attracted her, she felt guilty for putting him in this situation over and over again. "Chanyeol please leave him alone." She timidly said. Chanyeol looked at her and smirked. "I will babygirl. But you will have to come with me." She whimpered behind Jungkook. "She's not going with you." Jungkook said with more dominance and anger. Chanyeol laughed loudly. "Oh but she will." He again advanced towards her. That's it. It was enough now. Jungkook punched Chanyeol before he could touch her.

Chaeyoung stared at the body lying and groaning on the ground while the two other were helping him to get up. She looked back at Jungkook who was standing there fuming with anger. Chanyeol looked back at him and ordered the two boys to hold the guy. They obeyed immediately and grabbed Jungkook by his arms. He struggled to get out of the grip. Chaeyoung just stood there frozen. Chanyeol got up and walked near Jungkook. "You're getting braver with me kid. It's about time to teach you a proper lesson." With saying that, he landed punches on Jungkook. His face was marked with bruises.

Chaeyoung was pleading Chanyeol to leave Jungkook alone. Chanyeol finally looked at her. "You see this? This is what will happen if you stay with him!" He yelled. As he was advancing towards her, he heard a siren at a distance.

"Yo Chan. I think the police is coming this way. We gotta go." Daniel said. "I will get you next time babygirl." Chanyeol said and sat in the car. The guys dropped Jungkook on the ground and the three left them alone in the street.

Chaeyoung saw them drive away and rushed towards Jungkook. He was kneeling on the pavement. She kneeled in front of him, cupped his face and lifted it. She was shocked to see the bruises on his face. She cried harder than before. He shook his head and hugged her. "Hey... I'm okay. Don't cry." He said while stroking her hair. "I'm so sorry Jungkook. I'm such a bad luck for you. I'm a bad luck!" She cried.

"No... You're not. It's not your fault. I will do anything to protect you. You don't have to feel guilty." He said.

Chaeyoung looked up at him. "Why are you doing this for me?" She asked in a whisper. Jungkook cupped her face and wiped her tears. "I don't know. But I want to do this. I don't want to see you hurt. You've been through a lot. I can't see you getting hurt again." He answered. Chaeyoung hugged him tighter hearing those words. They didn't say anything to each other and just kept hugging and crying. "Let's get back to the apartment." Jungkook finally said.

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