Chapter 9

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That night...

It was nearly 1:30 am. Chaeyoung laid in Jungkook's bed, wide awake. She wasn't uncomfortable. The bed was incredibly soft and warm. The sheets had his scent which was oddly giving a familiar feel to her. She kept thinking about him. His behavior. It was completely different from what she used to see in campus. He's so... Cute. Chaeyoung glanced at the window. The rain has slowed down. Unable to sleep, she decided to get some water. She got up and walked out to the living room where she found Jungkook lying down in the couch with his eyes closed.

She slowly walked up to him, careful not to wake him up. He looked so peaceful and cute while sleeping. His chest was rising and falling with the rhythmic breathing. Chaeyoung smiled at the view. "You're so different from what I thought. I wish you could always be this comfortable and cute everywhere." She whispered to herself. "Especially with me." She slowly added. Jungkook fidgeted in his sleep. Chaeyoung chuckled silently and covered him with the blanket properly, so that he feels cozier. She got up, took a water bottle from the fridge and went back to her room, satisfied.

Morning rolled up. Jungkook got up first. He sat on the couch and stretched. He squinted at the bright light flowing through the window. It was a great weather, unlike last night. Slowly remembering what happened last night, he got up on his feet and went to his room to check up on his impromptu guest. He knocked the room but no one answered. "Chaeyoung-ah?" He called. Still no answer. He twisted the door knob to find it unlocked. 'Did she already leave?' he thought to himself, rather sadly.

He opened the door and entered the room, when he found a slim figure sleeping soundly in his bed. All his sadness vanished when he saw her. He smiled and walked up to her. She looked even more beautiful in the morning. The soft sunlight fell on her honey skin, giving her a golden glow. He found it cliche, but he admitted that she looked like a princess. He melted at his spot and wished that the time could halt for him to enjoy this view more. Jungkook shook his head. "Chaeyoung-ah!" He called her softly.

Chaeyoung moved and opened her eyes a little bit. She saw him standing there. "What happened?" She asked innocently in her sleepy voice. Jungkook chuckled. "It's morning already. Get up." He said in his deep, morning voice. Chaeyoung got up and sat, rubbing her eyes as she tried to recall everything that happened. She looked at him sleepily which Jungkook found immensely cute. "I'm going to wash up. You should call your roommate. She might be worried." He said. Chaeyoung sleepily nodded and reached for her phone.

25 missed calls since last 20 minutes.

"Lisa!" Chaeyoung face palmed herself. She quickly called her and her call was picked up in a second. "PARK CHAEYOUNG! YOU DID NOT JUST STAY OUT WITHOUT TELLING ME! YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS WHEN I DID NOT FIND YOU IN YOUR ROOM?"

'Oh boy. It's gonna be a long call.' she thought to herself.


Chaeyoung walked out of the bathroom after cleaning up to find Jungkook at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. "Hey. Did you sleep well last night? It wasn't uncomfortable was it?" Jungkook asked cheerfully. Chaeyoung took a seat, smiling. "No it wasn't. I had a great sleep. I'm sorry that you had to sleep on the couch." She replied. "Oh no! I was very comfortable. You see, I'm a very adaptable person." He said, rather proudly. Chaeyoung giggled at his comment.

"Jungkook-ah. I'll be leaving now." Chaeyoung said. Jungkook looked up from the newspaper to meet her eyes. "So soon? You just woke up though. You should at least have breakfast." Jungkook said. "Yeah but Lisa is upset that I didn't call her last night. So I promised her to have breakfast together." Chaeyoung replied. "O-oh. It's okay! It's.. no big deal." Jungkook said with a laugh.

Chaeyoung wasn't willing to leave his company for some reason. She really liked it. It could be said the same for Jungkook. "So... I'll be taking your leave. Thank you so much for providing me shelter. I'm so grateful. Never hesitate to ask me for help whenever you need it okay?" She said with her usual bright smile. Jungkook returned her smile. "I'll let you out."

He guided her to the door and opened it for her. "Did you take everything?" He asked. Chaeyoung nodded. "Good girl." He jokingly added which earned him her laugh and a light punch on his arms. He really loved to make her laugh like that. "Bye Jungkook!" She said. "Bye Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung went out the building to the cafe where she promised to meet Lisa. Lisa was already there. Chaeyoung ran up to her and sat on the seat in front of her.

"Finally! Park Chaeyoung. Who gave you the right to wander about without informing me?" Lisa asked.

"Yah! I wasn't wandering about! Plus, you didn't even call the entire time." Chaeyoung said with a pout.

"That's because I fell asleep right after you left and woke up in the morning. I found you missing and started calling you but you wouldn't pick up. Why do you have that phone?" Lisa scolded.

"Hey! My phone was dead and I am a heavy sleeper. You know that." Chaeyoung explained. Lisa shrugged. "Anyways, what happened last night?" She asked.

Chaeyoung explained everything to her carefully. Lisa sat back with her mouth slightly open. "Wow. Just wow. I can't believe you made him your special pancakes when I have been requesting you for weeks." She said. "Hey! I didn't have any time. Also, he was going to eat only cereal. I felt bad." Chaeyoung replied. "Wah! You already care about him so much when you've only known him for a couple hours. How come?" Lisa said as she took a sip of coffee.

Chaeyoung looked at her. "I don't really know. I just do. You know, I feel like I've known him since forever whenever we talk. Also, he's so different from what we see in college. He's actually really cute and funny." She said, which caused Lisa to look at her with confusion.

"Is it so? Huh. I guess it's true to never judge a book by its cover." Lisa said while she continued eating. "Man, I'm hungry."

Chaeyoung smiled. She doesn't know what she feels for Jungkook. But whatever it is, she really likes it.

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