Chapter 9 - Little Do You Know

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June's POV

Apparently, the guy everyone was talking about at rush was Calum. He did rush with Ashton which was surprising because he insisted that he didn't want to rush but he did anyway.

Regardless of the reason, I'm glad I get to experience this with him even if he was a selfish jerk. He apologized for everything he said that day and now we're back to being a lovey dovey couple.

"I told you to never drink my orange juice yet you do it all the time!" Calum yelled from the kitchen, obviously pissed off about me drinking his juice.

If you would let Calum choose between beer and orange juice, beer has no chance, even though how much he loves drinking beer, orange juice is always his number one.

"I will just buy you a new one." I yelled back from the living room.

Today was supposed to be date day because it's our month anniversary but we couldn't celebrate it outside. Calum find it ridiculous to celebrate a relationship every month that's why he refused to go out and celebrate it.

He sat beside me on the couch as we scroll through Netflix with endless movie options.

He suddenly chuckled on his own and I looked at him weirdly. He noticed my confused expression and explained, "It's just funny how we've only been dating for six months yet too much has already happened."

That's true. He literally almost got married a month through our relationship. Then the pregnancy shit right after.

"This is actually the first time we ever get to celebrate our month anniversary, isn't it?" I pointed out and he nodded.

"That's because it's stupid." I threw a pillow at him but he caught it anyway.

There was too much going on that I didn't think of it as a priority that time. Plus, we've been on and off, there were times that we passed that anniversary that we weren't together.

"It's not really that hot outside, do you wanna go somewhere?" Calum asked but I have second thoughts.

I'm too lazy to go out. I'd rather stay inside and watch a cute romance comedy with Calum than get mobbed by girls who like him outside.

"Or..." I sat up and startled him when I straddled him.

He was taken aback by my sudden surge of confidence. He smirked and instantly placed his hands on my waist.

"Yeah, screw outside. I like this better." He pulled my head towards his and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

He pulled me closer, making the kiss more heated and more passionate as I started grinding on him.

I heard him moan, his grip tightening on my waist, pulling me even closer to him, if that was possible.

His fingers were playing underneath my shirt, rubbing my hipbones and playing with the hem of my shorts.

He's had enough of the shirt, and pulled away, taking my shirt off but quickly pushing me back to him after. He got rid of his shirt as well leaving his tattooed body on display.

It's still a mystery as to why the school allowed him to have this many tattoos at 18. He said he was thinking of getting more and if it only makes him hotter, who am I to stop that?

My hands fumbled with the button on his pants and he quickly got the hint. I sat up and helped him get rid of his pants until he was just in his boxers.

I kissed him on the lips one last time before going down to his neck, then to his chest until I was off the couch, staring back up to him.

You could see the prominent bulge in his boxers.

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