Chapter 45 - Three Years Later (Finale)

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A lot has happened in the past three years. The bond of the group grew even tighter as the years passed by. The couples are staying strong, Luke even found a girlfriend, her name's Brianna. Maya and June goes to therapy together from time to time and they're getting better, they haven't had any nightmares and Maya has been having less to none of the switching.

Malcolm is doing great with work, he's dating one of his colleagues. Jackson, also apparently met his other half, one he met through Tom, and Tom? Yeah, he continued to be the best Spider-Man anyone's ever seen. Oh and yeah, he's also in a happy and serious relationship.

It was now the day everyone's been waiting for. The day of the wedding.

"Nervous?" Ashton asked fixing his bow-tie as he is one of the groom's men.

Everyone was excited for this day as everyone witnessed their blooming relationship through the years and now they're finally tying the knot.

"Yeah. Oh God, what if she changes her mind? Ash, I don't think I can take it." Ashton only chuckled, dusting the invisible dirt on his coat. "You should know by now she's not going to do that. She's crazy about you, dude."

Luke then walked inside, phone in his hands, "What do you mean he can't make it?! It's the day of the wedding for fuck's sake! We had an agreement. God!"

They all looked at him confused as Luke continued arguing on the phone. He finally hung up after a few minutes and groaned. "Something wrong?"

"The fucking band canceled the last minute and we don't have anyone to replace them." He dropped on the sofa, head leaning back in frustration.

"Luke, you do know that we are a band, right?" Michael pointed out and everyone else agreed.

Two years ago, the band, 5 Seconds of Summer, was discovered by one of the biggest entertainment companies and they've since signed them. They went to make an album and toured for half a year. Now, in a couple of weeks, their first ever official music video will be released.

With them being on tour, the band was forced to take their classes online, even Michael, who decided to finally go to college. Due to the physical absences in classes, they won't be graduating until another year more but they were more than grateful, nonetheless.

"Are you guys serious?" Luke looked around the room with his three best friends. He turned to the groom, "I can't let you play at your own wedding. It's your wedding! You shouldn't even be doing anything but marrying your bride!"

He shook his head. "I can and I goddamn will. It's my wedding, let me play for my bride. She loves the band and she's always been our biggest fan, you know that."

Luke hesitated for a bit before finally agreeing. "Fine, but in my wedding, I'm not playing. Find a fucking band."


"You look so beautiful, oh my God!" Cassie exclaimed, fixing the dress of the bride. The two of them became really close the past three years, even though they never got along well the first time.

Maya walked inside holding a box of donuts as requested by the bride. "It's just odd how you'd crave donuts right before the wedding." She chuckled, placing the box down beside her.

"I've just been craving it so much. I'm the bride, it's my day, don't be a mood killer." She joked, downing donuts one at a time.

Maya then widened her eyes, "Oh my God." Everyone looked at her confused. Mikhaela spoke, "What?"

"Are you pregnant?!" Maya abruptly stood up in surprise. "Again?!"

June laughed out loud, "Michael really can't keep it in his pants, huh?" Mikhaela blushed so hard. "I am not! We agreed not to have another one until after we graduate."

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