Chapter 26 - Home is Where Your Heart is

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Calum's POV

It's Sunday so I don't have classes and soccer practice. Thank God, a day off. Also, since we're on Thanksgiving break starting tomorrow, I'll be at work all day so might as well rest today.

I walked out of my room and straight to the bathroom. Usually at this time in the morning, I would be smelling June cooking breakfast, but no, I don't smell anything.

The more I think of it, I didn't see her outside. She must've slept in. Well, she came home really late last night, I couldn't even wait for her as it was so late and I was tired.

I cleaned myself up and brushed my teeth before walking back out. I'll just order breakfast. I don't feel like cooking today.

The food came half an hour later. I placed it on the dining table before walking over to June's room and knocked.

I knocked a little more but when she wasn't responding, I knew something was wrong. She always wakes up immediately when I knock.

I tried to turn the knob and it opened instantly but when I got into her room, she wasn't there.

It's seven in the morning, where could she possibly be? It's not like she jogged because she hates jogging.

I dialed her number and called her but it went straight to voicemail.

Where could she possibly be?

I decided to check the security cameras I installed when we moved in here.

She left about the same time I left and watching the rest of the day, she didn't go home. I saw myself come in around 11 last night. I watched until the morning but no, June never came back.

Shit. June didn't come home last night.

I know it's not my place to worry right noe because I could be the reason she didn't come home but I still care about her, so much.

Taking my phone, I dialed Ashton's number.

"Is June there with you?" I immediately asked Ashton the moment he picked up.

"Dude, it's seven in the morning!"

"Is she there or not?!"

"No, why would she be here?!" His voice was still groggy having only woken up, but then his tone suddenly changed, "Wait, she's not home? She didn't come home?"

"I don't think she did." I sighed.

I heard shuffling from the other line and Ashton spoke, "Yesterday she went here and asked to hang out but Cassie and I had plans so I declined. Ohh."

"I'll look for her. Call me if you see her or if she contacts you." With that, I hung up, taking my coat and went on my way.


I called June a hundred times but she still wasn't answering. "June, I swear to God if you don't answer right the fuck now-beep" Fucking voicemail.

I went to all the places she might be. Every ice cream places, every McDonalds branch, even the nearest playground, no, no June.

"Still gone?" Ashton and Cassie appeared minutes after I tried contacting her a thousand times.

I shook my head, hands on my hips. "Yeah."

"Can you just answer one question?" Cassie crossed her arms and looked straight at me. She continued, "Why do you think she ran away?"

I know exactly why. I sighed and told them the truth, "June and I had a fight the other day."

"About what?" Wait, June hasn't told them, or at least one of them.

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