Did you know there are heart strings. Every time something hurts you so deep in the heart a few break.
Some people's are so strong they can stand so many hits. I'm one of the few people that has weak heart strings.
If my heart is broken thousands of heart strings tear apart.
Ever sense I was little I've always been about love. My first kiss was in kindergarten and that's when I had my first love.
I've always had crushes on people. When everyone was little they would see something romantic or a kiss and they would say ewe. I wasn't like that at all.
I have dated so many people and when they broke my heart I pretended like it didn't hurt. I never knew that it hurt till I longed for them.
I've realized that if I take to many heart breaks I could die. I remember when I saw an article that a man died in his sleep of a broken heart. I have that fear of falling asleep and dying of a broken heart. That's why I don't sleep.
I guess when her and I broke up I pretended like it didn't hurt and at the time it didn't because I was so depressed at the time. Now when I'm happy and left alone my heart hurts because that heart break hurts now.
I remember telling my friends mom that I thought she was the one I was going to marry. I told her that once she was out of high school I would move her into my appointment. I guess I was just wishful thinking but at the time I thought her and I would be forever but I'll never find my forever.
I have dreams, still, of us together. Us at the prom. Me at her graduation, her moving into our now shared appointment. Sometimes I wish I could stop these dreams but the other times I never want to wake up.
I guess everything I thought was just wishful thinking.
I wasn't good enough for her I'm not good enough for anyone.
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.