I'm going back to not eating
I've eased in a little slow but I do say I'm not doing bad
I've been trying for the past week
It's just been hard with jess coming over a lot
The night before last I didn't eat but then I broke
I was high and I came down with a lot of anxiety so I ate
But not much
Today I haven't eaten and once it reaches 6 am it will be officially me not eating for 24 hours
I do get hungry but once I get past it it isn't bad at all
I'm going to try and keep a log of everything I eat if I do eat but I'm trying not to eat at all
Right now it's hard cause I'm bored and when I'm bored I want to eat
I'm holding back tho
I just don't want to be like this anymore so hopefully this works
I've also only been drinking water or milk and taking these diet pills I found
Hopefully this works
I might even take my pcos pills cause I think they started helping me loose weight
The thing is tho I'm supposed to eat with those
They make me feel really sick if I don't eat with them so I might just take them right before I go to sleep so I can sleep and not have to worry about getting up
We also have a scale but I think it's broken cause it doesn't give me a consistent number when I step on it but I'm going to try and log my weight to see if it works
I wanna try and loose 100 pounds cause I'm tired of being 300
I feel trapped and I hate it
I'm going to also try working out so that helps me burn fat
I'm also going to try and get 100% lemon juice to add to my water cause I know it can help
I also have this supposed weight loss drink that should help but we'll see
If I do have to eat tho I'll only do a little bit when necessary
Wish me luck
Hopefully I can go for a whole month without breaking but we'll see
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.