I did better than I have
In the last few days
Day 9:
1 sweet
SteakIt seems like a lot but the serving where very small
What I didn't finish I gave to my dog
Tomorrow I know I'll have the strength to not eat anything
I don't know why but you are always in my mind
Why can't you leave my head
I'm not good enough for you
I wish you didn't leave me
But I understand
I'm worthless
I'm not dominate
I'm just a weak girl who is worthless
I don't deserve love
I only deserve pain
Are you reading this
You left me so why are you reading this
We don't follow each other
So why read this
I miss you though
I miss you as a friend
I miss our cuddles as friends
You hate me though
Which is what I deserve
I don't deserve to be loved
I only deserve hatred
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.