Why do I love him
He's always in my mind
Running around
I don't want to love him
I don't want to be in love with him
It hurts to much
I lay in bed with tears running down my face
I can't stop crying
Why am I crying over not wanting to love him
Why does it hurt so much
I can't tell him
I don't want to ruin what we have
I randomly burst into tears
I have no idea why
Why can't I just like him as a friend
Am I really in love with him?
Or am i confusing kindness for love
It wouldn't be the first time
I fall for people who show me the slightest bit of kindness
I was never shown kindness from people
I just want to break down
I just want a hug
Will someone ever love me?
As I am
I'll never get the relationship from my dreams
I haven't met that person yet
I wish I knew why people liked me
What did my ex's see in me
Did they actually like me
Was it because they were desperate and lonely and they knew I was easy to trick
I don't know what to believe
When I dream each one I kiss someone
Some I know
Some I don't
Each night I get sadder and sadder
I can't remember the sensation of a kiss on my lips
What does it feel like?
Is it nice?
Why do I dream of it
Am I that wanting of it
I don't want to feel like this
What if I end it?
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.