I didn't write last night
I went to bed early
Day 16:
Potatoes and carrots
PopI did so bad
I woke up not long ago
I had a nose bleed again
I'm also feeling really sick right now
Honestly Im very depressed all the time
The smiles are fake and temporary
The only times I laugh and smile with even a little happiness is when Jessika is here
But that's starting to change
I met someone
This is our third day of talking and I'm loving it
I only smile when his name pops up on my screen
His name is Adrian
He is trans and used to be female
I only really like taking to him on the app I met him from
He is so cool
Even if we don't date like at all I'm just happy he is my friend
He messaged me not long ago with an amazing good morning just like our good night last night
Goodbye for now see you on day 17
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.