Jessika spent two nights in a row
I had to eat
She can't know
No one can know
She left at 2 today
I wanted to throw up
I think I almost did
I wish I did
Tomorrow I'm starting over and I'm not eating
I can't disappoint you
I wanna prove to you I can do it
You don't know
But I'm doing it for you
Because of you
I feel so disgusting
You left me because I look like this
I'll change
I'll gut myself if I have to
I just want it gone
Day 6
A lot
Day 7
A lot
Day 8
a lot
I just wanna be doneI'm learning to do better
I don't even like food
It's so gross
If I eat anything it can't be fatty or greasy
I've gotten sick from it
I don't even like sweet things
I just wanna die
Please let me die
You wanna die
So why can't I
I'm sorry for what I did to you
I wish you would just get out of my head
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.