I did more
I should stop
The more I have
The more noticeable they are
But why can't I stop
It feels to good
It's a release
But I have to stop
I can't let them see
I remember back in high school when I did it
Lexi saw
She hit me
But she never stopped me
Maybe if she had stopped me then maybe I wouldn't be doing it now
No I would of just gone to a mental hospital faster
Sometimes I think to what Hannah and Jessika would think
What would they do
It's scary to think about
I've done it so much I'm surprised they haven't noticed
I'm surprised my family hasn't noticed
But they don't pay much mind to me anyways
The one person I'd let know besides you is Alex but he's also the one I want to keep it from the most
He cares so much for me and I'm scared of what will happen
How would he react?
Would it hurt him?
Would he report it?
Would he tell Jessika?
I hope not
I never want Jessika or Hannah to find out
I hope he doesn't find out either. I'm just less worried about him finding out cause he's in Maine
But Jessika comes over everyday almost and she hasn't found out yet so let's hope it keeps going
There is a chance of Alex finding out. And honestly he might find out when I see him in Maine
If I go alone he wants me to come stay with him so I don't have to save so much money
I might stay a few nights with him anyway
It depends how hot his room is if I can cover my arms or not
I'll probably have to wear a tank top so I don't over heat
I'm just scared
But then I don't care when I'm doing it
Poetry and Thoughts
Poetrythings I think and write, no reason to be. some have meaning, most don't.