[0.1] [EDITED]

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The sun shone brightly over Magnolia. The people's spirits high as the clouds above them. Quickly, civilians got to their daily routine. The streets packed full of people as if it was their last opportunity. Bright smiles lingered on their faces as they walked passed each other, simple contact being made spreading the vibrant beams of energy. Giving simple greetings, let with so much impact; just like they always do here. The train came to a stop, the loud screeching of the train wheels upon the track echoing around the pedestrian land; revealing two figures dominating figures, emerging from the depths of the train. Sting Eucliffe, and Rogue Cheney. The Dragon Slayer Duo, from the almighty Sabertooth guild.


"Man the train still gets me every time" Sting groans, compulsively stabilising himself upon the ground before looking directly at the raven-haired mage next to him.

"Yes, it truly does get you. Your worst enemy if I'd say so myself" Rogue informs him with a small chuckle, his gaze warm and compassionate despite his cold exterior.

"Hey! That thing is like a moving disaster...Well actually it does move...Thats's the problem with it" Sting trails off uncertainty biting the back of his tone.

"Where did the moving disaster saying even come from?" Rogue questions his best friend with a raised eyebrow. He was far beyond used to his friends bizarre antics, but upon some occasions; asking the question proved to be essential.

"I don't even know" Sting admits rubbing his head sheepishly.

"And your the guilds master" Rogue sighs, rolling his eyes despite the smile grasping his features.

"I am way better on the battlefield! You know that! Plus you're like the other half. You know? Intelligent, laid back. Smart. You often stop me making stupid decisions!" Sting admits. A light blush beginning to brush upon his unprepared cheeks. Rogue face goes from casual, laid back scene to a burning volcano in less than three seconds. Rogue never knew how Sting, did this to him.

"H-Huh. You actually think that...?" Rogue questions, shocked laced within his tone.

"Erm...Yeah? I wouldn't say it otherwise?" Sting gives him a confused look. Signifying he doesn't understand where this seemingly embarrassment has come from.

'As dense as ever I suppose.'

"L-Let's just head to Fairy Tail. We need to ask them if we can even stay there. I mean we are un-expected guests" Rogue shakes the embarrassment off. Giving Sting a small smile that makes a warm, happy feeling spread across his body as if he was engulfed by an unknown presence. Sting grins back running down the street as if his life depended upon it.

"Come on Rogue! Race ya!"

"Hmm...Okay" Rogue agrees hesitantly. Races with Sting never exactly ended well.


"GO!" Sting yells sprinting down the street. Rogue following. His jog also turning into a sprint, much to his dismay; before they became matched; neck and neck, running side by side. Unexpectedly through Fairy Tail's Guild halls; causing all orbs to meet their almost panicked ones.

"Errmm...Sorry?" Sting's voice rings out; rising drastically by the conclusion of his statement. Fairy Tail gives a courses of welcomes before returning back to what they were doing before the unexplained incident occurred. Sting relaxes, wiping the sweat form his forehead before regaining his posture.

Turning to Rogue who gives him a nod of confirmation, hence filling Sting with confidence, he walks at a steady pace into Fairy Tail's Master's office. However Rogue's gaze never left him; following silently before the door begins to close.


"I wonder what that was about" Lucy thinks out-loud. Watching as Rogue walks up to Gajeel, seemingly anxiously unlike his usual strong facade; exchanging in a small conversation with the fellow dragon slayer.

"Who knows?" Gray shrugs nonchalantly.

"For once...I sort of agree. Have you seen them two? They are sort of like a couple..." Lucy trails off, resisting the urge to laugh at her own obnoxious statement.

"I wouldn't be surprised" Erza contributed. Munching on another slice of strawberry cheesecake.

"Woooahhhh. There a couple?!!?" Natsu exclaims in a loud voice causing Rogue to look at them with a blush staining his pale cheeks.

"No you idiot! Well...Not yet."

"Who are you calling an idiot ice cube?"

"What loss for hearing? You Flamebrain!"

"Stupid stripper!"

"Ash for brains!"

"Ice princess!"


"Hey-!" Natsu was cut off by the one and only Erza slamming their heads together. The sound echoing around the guildhall like a gunshot.

"Owwwwwwww-" Natsu whines. Gray only grumbles holding his forehead, attempting to ease the dominating pain within it. Lucy shakes her head at the scene and Rogue's panicked stricken face before sighing.

'Well, I guess this is Fairy Tail.'


"Are they okay? That was..extremely loud and looked painful" Rogue murmured. Gajeel, being able to hear Rogue's comment, sighed "It happens a lot, ya gotta get used to it".

"Them bickering or Erza slamming their heads together?"


Rogue hearing a faint snickering turned his head towards the right hand side of the room to see Sting trying to contain his laughter. Smiling slightly, the smile soon going to a frown. Walking up to Sting he gave him a light whack round the head with the book from his bag he had kept for the train ride.

"Owwww. Awwwww, come on Rogue! You cat say that weren't funny."

"Well I can..I mean I do have a voice."

"Thats not what I meant!"

Chuckling slightly at the duo Gajeel made his way to Levy. Not failing to notice a certain sky dragon slayer writing a letter to a certain someone. To be more specific Chelia Blendy.


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