[0.2] [EDITED]

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Wendy sat at the bar of the guild writing (In her best handwriting may she add) a letter to the one and only Chelia Blendy. She doesn't know why- it just was an urge- everyone has urges she reminds herself. She just felt the need too. No- She had too! She may not be able to pin-point the feeling; but she is certain it isn't normal. Then again, what is normal in the Fairy Tail Guild?


Dear Chelia,

I honestly couldn't be anymore happy for you with how well your latest mission went! I knew you could do it, you are an amazing mage I didn't expect anything different!

And I can't imagine Lyon's face when you tell him! Hehehehe! You must tell me of his reaction. I bet it's going to be really funny!

Currently we're having a visit from Sting and Rogue, I'm pretty sure you remember them right? I mean who doesn't remember the dragon slayer duo? It is strange I will say but you know what? Looking at them I would even go as far to say they would make a great couple. You know, actual couple! I know Lucy was even saying it to Mira earlier. And I feel sorry for them; as soon as Mira gets involved there's no way out of the shipping book of hers.

I hope to see you soon!

-Wendy Marvell.


Giggling Wendy sealed the small letter into a neat envelope. Just as she was about to write the address Carla's voice rang out from beside her.

"Chelia? Child what are you up to?" she questions miraculously. Eyeing the small letter as if it was a criminal record. Wendy immediately paused, ponder over her response before answering.

"Well, errrmmmm...Me and Chelia have been sending letters to each other recently you know...Socialization in a way."

"So you two like each other a little more than a friend way I'm guessing...?" Carla proceeds to ask in a protective way. She has always regarded herself as a mother; and Wendy's safety and happiness is her top priority.

"W-What!?! I-I-I!"

"Do I hear a new ship!?" Mira questions in a excited tone, popping up boisterously from the bar counter.

"Oh my..." Carla trails off, a guilty feeling washing over her.

"So Wendy? Do you like her?" Mira asks excitably, leaning over the bar.

"Is it...wrong too?" Wendy asks in a quiet tone.

"Of course not! Gender doesn't matter all the time child. Love can form anywhere it doesn't have to be a boy" Carla reassures.

"I agree with Carla, it doesn't matter if it's a bit different. Feelings are feelings you can't change them. Or yourself" Mira chimes in.

"And we're Fairy Tail. We're all family no matter what!" Natsu comes out of nowhere.

"Natsu!" Wendy exclaims.

"Sorry...Dragon Slayer hearing. I just had to get involved" Natsu admits sheepishly.

"Wait-Natsu!" Mira gasps.

"Huh?" Wendy questions.

"You...like a boy don't you!?!" Mira asks in a hushed voice.


Wendy looks at Natsu happily. "'I'm not the only one!?"

"I'd go as far to say it's a dragon slayer thing. Most couples involving Dragon slayers seem to be the same gender" Mira thinks out-loud.

"Hmmm...that's a good point" Carla agrees.

"So who do you like?" Wendy whispers.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise!"

"The Ice princess."

"Woah..." Wendy trails off.

"Yeah, I got the same reaction from Luce" Natsu replies.

"You told Lucy!?" Wendy exclaims.

"She deserved to know" Natsu responds carefully, giving Wendy an unusually stern look.

"Oh, I get it."

"Well would you like to come on a job?" Natsu asks starting to close the minature conversation they had in a very quiet whisper. Dragon Slayer's sensitive hearing is quite useful sometimes. Well, most times.

"I'll stay here. But you guys can go" Wendy smiles.

"Alright! See you soon!" Natsu walks away. Leaving Carla and Mira confused. Wendy just giggled in response to their preplexed gazes.


"So you told Markov?" Rogue questions lightly, gazing at Sting in an interested way. After all, it's not an everyday thing that guild masters engage in such discussions.

"Yeah, he said we could rent a room in Fairy Hills for the time being if we wanted too. You know until everythings sorted out" Sting replies, relief embedded within his tone while delivering the said news.

"Sounds good, you'll have to give me the details later."

With a curt nod the two dragon slayers make their way to Fairy Hill's Boy dormitories, where things would forever change for the lone duo.

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