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A/n: I think this chapter could be the end of me. >.< And yes, this was pre-written. I got myself caught in my own cliff hanger. I'm pretty sure this is part of 'authors problems.' Any writers out there who have experienced this?


"Is that what you think huh?" Gray growls, looking at all three of the dragon slayers.

"What?" Gajeel questions, surprised about how angry Gray actually is. And it doesn't seem to be the fact that he's Natsu's mate. Rogue on the other hand was fearing for Natsu's rejection. Silently hoping for it not to be too ruthless.

"You think me and Freed just some obstacles in your little Mating Season of yours? Have we been little pieces of your game you guys are creating. Planning out every move using us like puppets. Have you considered how WE felt in all of this?" Gray demands, his voice raising at a particular part of him speaking his thoughts.

Rogue let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't angry about being Natsu's mate. But he did feel bad for Gray. He could see where he was coming from. In their conversation they didn't think about how Gray and Freed felt. It must of hurt Gray more than he's letting on. Sting just stared at Gray. Confusion plastered on his face like glue to paper. 

Natsu's head snaps up. He had heard the whole thing. He had been stopping himself from going over there for a while. But if Gray was getting angry then he better step in. He knows out of everyone Gray is the worst when it comes down to emotional pain. Even if Gray would never admit it.

"Gray" Natsu's voice rang across the guild. Causing the four mages heads to snap up at Natsu's voice. Gray stares at Natsu for a moment before glaring at him.

"Oh so here you are. So when I asked you the other day...about what was bothering you. You didn't think it was important to MENTION this?" Gray demanded his voice rising.

"Gray I-"

"No Natsu! I don't think you understand!" Gray growls cutting Natsu off.

Sting gulps. Knowing that he caused all of this. Rogue gives him a comforting look. Giving sting a small amount of confidence in return; he sends him a small grin. Gajeel sighs at how oblivious the pair are before concentrating back at the problem at hand.

"I knew you'd hate me" Natsu sighs down dejectedly. Swallowing his tears. He's never cried in front of the whole guild before. And he's determined to keep it that way.

"Hate you? Hate you?!? I don't hate you! Who said you had the right to tell me how to feel? You know what? I'll go out and say it..." Gray states causing Natsu's head to shoot up at Gray's statement. Hope glistening in his eyes.

"...I love you okay? There! I said it! If you really cared about me the way you think you do you would of got the guts, and told me honestly! Damn, I trusted you a lot! Why does everyone I trust betray me in some god damn way! Forget it!" Gray yells running out of the guild. The guild stood there in silence. There mouths agape of what just happened. Even Gajeel was shocked at that sudden confession. Gray slams the doors shut causing people to snap out of their shock.

"H-He loves me back?" Natsu wondered out loud.

"What are you standing there for? Waiting for the paint to dry?! Go after him!" Gajeel yells resisting the urge to beat him up to a pulp.

"Right" Natsu agrees determinedly.

"Gray!" Natsu yells running out of the doors after him.

Lucy and Erza sat there. There mouths still wide open, faces pale. Gajeel snickers at them, and so does Sting. Rogue shakes his head trying his hardest not to laugh.

"I never expected that one" Lucy gulps.

"N-Nor did I. One minute their at each other's throats and the next they're confessing. Weirdest romance I've ever seen" Erza responds, still in shock.

"Love happens in the weirdest ways" Lucy shrugs nonchalantly a small smile resting upon her face. 

"You can say that again" Erza chuckles.


Sting and Rogue were encased on their thoughts. But both came to a similar conclusion.

'Will that happen to us if I don't tell him?'


A/n: Nooo! Gratsu. My poor little Gratsu. It's okay I'll fix you soon. I promise!

This is the most intense chapter for me so far. What did you guys think? Is it just me?

Wow, I'm getting into Gratsu WAY too much. Then again, I'm sure I have been from the start...

I hoped you enjoyed?

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