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A/n:  And here's the last of my double update for today on this story! Enjoy! (I say that and wonder if people actually like it...is that weird?) Another thing. How do people like the new cover. I hope it isn't too bad...


Freed and Laxus left the clients house around noon. After deciding to go searching for any dark guilds in the area they set off. Not wasting any time.

"So should we just go searching?" Laxus questions. Hoping it was a yes. But alas, life is not that simple.

"No, we need to ask people" Freed sighs, knowing it was particularly due to the fact Laxus didn't really want to talk to people.

"You know...I don't want too" Laxus responds dejectedly.

"Yes, I can just do it if you'd like" Freed offers looking over at Laxus.

"Not happening" Laxus replies turning away slightly from Freed's gaze.

"Let's go" Laxus grumbles walking down the street. Freed noticing the light blush on his cheeks as he did so. Freed follows shortly behind him.

Arriving in the town square they agree to split up. Laxus finds himself in front of a shop. With a shrug Laxus enters the shop, observing it. Finding a small hooded figure at the counter. 'Couldn't get any more suspicious.' Laxus thinks to himself. Deciding to keep it low, Laxus walks behind a shelf. Listening into their conversation.

"When will the book be in?" The hooded figure demands, but Laxus could still tell it was a kid. 'Aggressive so soon as well.'

"S-Soon sir"

"I asked when."

"O-Oh of course, e-erm tomorrow?" The cashier stutters, clearly afraid.


Laxus clenched his fist in anger, his teeth grinding. The hooded figure suddenly pulled out a see through pocket. Slamming it on the counter.

"This is all I have! Do you expect me to be even close to defeating them!"

Laxus immediately recognised them as the pages from the owners book. Was it possible to grab the pages and leg it? Lead him to a forest clearing and challenge him to a fight? It sounds the most reasonable but he doesn't think it will be that easy. Shrugging off the bad thought he suddenly dived for the pages, his fist covered in lightning as he slammed his fist into the table.

"I have two things to say: One pick on people your own size. Two: never talk about Fairy Tail that way unless you want a beating" Laxus growled glaring at the hooded figure.

"Looks like I ran into the Fairy Tail Mage...I heard that there were two of you" The figure chuckles darkly.

"Oh...there is but it seems you won't live to even land your eyes on him" Laxus snaps, feeling adrenaline rush through his veins.

Grasping the pocket Laxus slips it onto the coat causing the figure to take a large intake of breath.

"I believe we have some...business to take care of..."

"It appears so" Laxus responds, a smirk playing at his lips.


Gray, who is seated on a table next to the three dragon slayers can't help but listen in to their conversation.  He knew that it was wrong. But he was so interested, be couldn't help but listen to it considering it was so conveniently right next to him.

"So...there's four stages" Gajeel starts causing Sting to groan.

"Four? Is that made to kill us on the inside?"

Gray could not see his facial expression. But was pretty confident with the ideology of him having a scowl on his face. And honestly if Gray was in that situation he would have a scowl on his face too.

"Why wasn't we informed of this earlier?" Rogue abruptly questions, his gaze slightly harder than how he looks at Gajeel. That was as much as Gray could figure it out. But he was pretty sure that Rogue was extremely angry. Gray guessed this must of just been mentioned, and it explains Natsu's slightly angered expression he had received the note.

"The last time a dragon...or specifically the dragon that taught you magic went through a mating season reflects on you as well. When they had entered a certain stage. Is when you will enter a certain stage. It links. And I thought I'd do it in an order as close as the original as possible. Although I'm pretty sure I got parts wrong I figured your dragons being mentioned would be a bit too personal to do in one big group" Gajeel explains Gray could practically feel Gajeel rolling his eyes from where he was seated.

"You're kidding right?" Sting stares wide eyes at him.

"Do you think I would be?" Gajeel snaps.

"Well, I've lost some trust in you so...who knows?" Sting hisses causing Rogue to stare at him.

"Does stage one mess with people emotions?" Rogue asks his head snapping to Gajeel.

"Yeah...guessing you can see it?"

"It's literally happening now" Rogue murmurs, Gray can just about catch it.

"Continuing from where I was-" Gajeel cuts himself off. Glaring pointedly at Sting. "Stage one, emotions. Stage two: being clingy. Stage three: protectiveness. You may feel part of this here and there out of this stage and four...marking" Gajeel continues. Watching as they're faces turn one similar to a horror stricken face.

"This is a joke right?"

"How is marking going to work for Laxus and Natsu?" Rogue questions slightly. Fearing for the two dragon slayers.

"Yeah with Gray and Freed? That's going to be awkward" Sting snorts causing Gray to go wide eyed.  Gray quickly shakes his shock off, anger coursing through his veins. Did they really talk about this so causal? Like Gray was some type of obstacle? 

"Well guess they'll just have to come clean" Gajeel shrugs.

"I think you did the job just fine" Gray snaps, glaring at the three dragon slayers. They all freeze in shock. Realising what they had just done.

"Oh my god" Rogue mumbles regaining his posture, before lightly hitting Sting in the side. In hope he will go back to normal. But it didn't work. Sting just continued to stare, a guilty feeling washing over him.

"Well...hell just broke loose" Gajeel comments, fighting the urge to flinch at Gray's hard glare.


A/n: Don't kill me! I know...cliff hangers. How everyone hates cliff hangers. But seriously...it had to be done. And now I'm going to have to write my favourite shop arguing. Oh how it will kill me. >.<

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