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Last chapter gee. I can't really...Believe it. I really hope you guys have enjoyed this story and thank you so much for you guys sticking with me! I appreciate every vote, every read, every comment everything...Thank you. It isn't just authors who make Wattpad what it is...But it's truly you guys that are the framework of this community. I'm sure many authors will say the same so once more...Thank you.



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"Thank you my children, I wish the best for you" Makarov mods gratefully. The Fairy Tail apartment key carefully placed in his old, worn out hands. Despite their appearance they're filled with wisdom that he would hope guild masters in the future will pass down to the younger generations.

"And as a thank you for all your work...Keep the key" Makarov comments causing Rogue to look at him skeptically.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive my lad, you always have a home at Fairy Tail...Everyone does."

"Thank you" Sting grins. "But now the season has come to an end we must return to Sabertooth."

"Yes but we appreciate all the help Fairy Tail has offered us" Rogue nods encouragingly. Before progressing towards the door. "I'll leave so you guild masters can talk alone."

Sting nods thankfully, the distinctive sounds of the door creaking shut awakening his senses.

"Well...I'm guessing I'll see you at the next meeting?"

"Of course my lad."

Sting nods once more before leaving. "Thank you again."

"Of course anytime" Makarov responds, turning around on his chair.

"Male sure you don't let power change you. I know too many people who have been engulfed by power. They're not the same people they used to be" Makarov warns. Silence seemed to consume the room. Makarov carefully awaiting his response.

"With Rogue at my side that will never happen" Stings responds casually before leaving. Shutting the door behind him.

"You okay?" Rogue questions, surprised upon seeing thoughtful expression. Sting shakes his head, finding himself springing into reality.

"Oh yeah...Just thinking" Sting shrugs before grinning.

"Shall we say goodbye?"



It has been three weeks since Wendy and Cheila and mated. And neither regretted it. It was impossible to, at least Cheila thought so. They had been creating memories and that night changed their lives...Even if Cheila did wish she had been more well... Corporative. However as time progressed the more she worried...As they more tone that progressed the sooner Cheila had to return to Lamia Scale.

However Wendy knew so to, and it was something she couldn't escape. The thought haunted her mind but it didn't stop her from enjoying the time she had left. And now...The moment had arrived.

Cheila watched Wendy with a sorrowful expression. The train behind her and small suitcase in hand. Wendy sighed. Wiping the tears that threatened to come...She would see Cheila soon. They were mates after all. But when a year finally escaped she didn't find herself regretting it at all, as she knew that holding in emotions wasn't good for her, but also she was proud in a way; as she was showing Cheila just how much she meant to her.

Carla stayed silent but it was like a attack towards her heart seeing the tears roll down Wendy's uncharacteristic painful expression. But knew it was the best to remain quiet and the two young girls engage in their last conversation for a while.

"Awww Wendy. Don't worry you'll see me again soon" Cheila reassures, smiling regretfully.

"I know..." Wendy admits quietly.

"Don't worry Wen" Cheila says quietly, placing her suitcase down and embracing Wendy in an heartfelt hug. Wendy sighs before gently wrapping her arms around Cheila.

"I love you Wen" Cheops mumbles before quickly pecking her lips and pulling away.

"Oh Cheila wait!" Wendy calls out, before placing a small package into her hands.

"Go on then, open it silly!" Wendy giggles through her tears. Cheila gently opens the package revealing a small heart locket. It was in the decorated of the mark placed on her neck a little over three weeks ago. In a sweet light pink colour, almost reflecting a blue hue.

"Awwww, Wen you shouldn't have" Cheila comments in a soft tone. A big grin plastered upon her features.

"Look inside..." Wendy replies a small smile on her face. Cheila opens the small heart locket to reveal a photo of the two of them. The pair submerged in happiness, mirrored upon their faces by big grins.

"Now you'll always have a small piece of me and the sensation of our relationship!" Wendy happily states. Cheila smiles happily before handing it loosely on her neck.

"Wendy thank you" Cheila smiles, before disappearing into the carriage of the train. Leaving Wendy standing in the stations small yet rolling down her cheek:

"I love you Cheila."


Sting and Rogue sighed, both standing at the exit of the guild.

"Thank you for everything" Rogue murmurs, before quickly turning towards the door.

"If you think you're getting away with that as a goodbye you have another thing coming" Gajeel grumbles before pulling Rogue away from the doors.

Sting laughs before shaking his head. "Bye everyone!"

"Oh wait...Let's have a fight before you go. I'm all fired up!" Natsu yells. Gray rolls his eyes before lightly walking him around the head.

"Idiot" Gray grumbles.

"What'cha stripper?"

"You heard me."

"I dare you to say it again!" Natsu yells.

"Okay then...Idiot!"

Lucy sighs before shaking her heads "Ignore them."

"Will do!" Sting grins before grabbing Rogue's hand.

"And he's mine thank you" Sting states confidently. A light blush dusting Rogue's cheeks as he gets dragged away.

"Wait...Hey! I'm not 'yours'" Rogue protests.

"Bye guys!" Lucy yells, glaring at the two squabbling boys behind her.

"You're both idiots so both of you shut up!"

"Ahh! Scary!" Happy yells taking refuge behind Natsu's sturdy figure.

Rogue smiles before waving.

"See you next time...Fairy Tail."


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