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A/n: Hello! I'm guessing...You finally want to know what happens regarding Freed and Laxus? Yep. That's what came to mind when planning this chapter. 😅

Anyway I always babble on before a chapter. So I hope you enjoy!


Freed sighed as he made his way down the path. The cold winter air beginning to emerge considering it was nearing to Christmas. However, he could still feel the small specks of sunlight hiding behind the clouds. He watched as families began getting ready for Christmas; shopping, Christmas gifts. His trail of thought was suddenly disrupted when he noticed he was in front of the guild.

'...That was fast'  Freed thinks to himself, his anxiety building up. He could feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he stared at the large door.

Why was he so worried?

He didn't really know the answer. All he knew was that it was something to do with the season; and probably both him and Laxus wouldn't be happy about it. Laxus especially. Maybe it was that argument that they had the day before? Maybe it was for the final stage. Freed supposed he'd find out either way. Taking a breath, Freed gently pushed the doors open he immediately spotted Laxus by the bar. The guild was pretty empty it seemed. But that's probably due to the fact Gray and Natsu weren't here yet.

'I wonder why?'

Shrugging the thought off, he walked in the guild. The loud chatter of his guild mates in the background as he made his way towards the bar. Noticing Laxus's gaze fixed on his drink he gently took a seat beside him. A small smirk dancing upon his lips at a sudden idea that flooded his mind.

Freed quickly kissed Laxus on the cheek causing Laxus to jump from surprise; falling off the bar stool. Freed's laughter ring throughout the hall as Laxus stood up, his anger quickly disappearing seeing Freed sitting beside him. A small blush dusted his cheeks as he sat down, putting his hand on his cheek.

"W-What the heck Freed?!"

"Oh apologies that was priceless!" Freed laughed. Laxus sighed before leaning against Freed.

"Ah! Hey!"

"What you get" Laxus states smirking, enjoy the bright red blush that flooded his expression. Freed eventually pushed Laxus off him, causing both of them to tumble to the ground.

"O-Opps...Sorry" Freed stutters, embarrassment plastered across his expression.  Laxus's face flashes to a more serious expression remembering the night before.

"Freed...I'm sorry about yesterday" Laxus states nervously.

Freed smiled, now kneeling on the floor. "It's okay Laxus. I understand."

Laxus nodded in confusion before sitting up.

"Why aren't you bothered? I yelled at you for no reason?" Laxus questioned.

"Because you're going through that season at the moment, It was bound to happen at some point" Freed replies simply, standing up and offering his hand. Laxus started at it for a while before allowing Freed to pull him up.

"No...That's not right. How about a small...Date? You know...To make up for it" Laxus comments, brushing off the dust on his trousers in order to avoid Freed's gaze. Freed laughs before responding.

"You know...You could've just asked me out on a date?"

"Too simple" Laxus simply shrugs, before walking towards the door.

"How about it?"

"I'm coming!"


Gray groaned as he opened his eyes. Feeling the burning sensation of sunlight he then remembered him just running into his apartment that late night. Leaving the house open for attack at any moment...

'Crap!'  Gray thought to himself. Quickly sitting up. Immediately getting out of bed resulting in him falling to the floor.

'...Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.'

"Gee stripper! I thought you were meant to be the smart one" Natsu snickers causing Gray's head to snap up.

"Natsu?!" Gray yells. Natsu rolls his eyes before grinning.

"The one and only."

"W-What are you doing here?" Gray stutters slightly, he was entirely embarrassed and was fully aware that he wouldn't live this down for a while.

"Are you going to stay on the floor or are you getting up? And I came after seeing your house in an weird way. Not that I was worried or anything" Natsu quickly adds. Gray laughs before getting up.

"The flamebrain was worried about me? That's new" Gray comments, before slowly walking over to him.

"Oh...And thanks away" Gray shrugs, kissing him on the cheek before walking off. Natsu's face immediately is consumed by a scarlet red causing Gray to chuckle.

"And that! Is what I call payback."

"S-Shut up!"


A/n: XD. The worst about this whole situation is that I can picture it all. Anyway, hope you liked it! Oh and if anyone can figure out what've set up during this chapter I'll either A) Write a one-shot for them based on their suggestions at the end of the book responding to what happens after dragon mating season is over with. Or B) I can just write you a one shot of your complete choice! Honestly, I've done something like this before and someone figured it out and I feel like it's a little fun activity for some people. ^-^

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