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A/n: This was requested and I'm so happy about that! But I've had to write this chapter out three times due to Wattpad constantly deleting my progress. I mean- This is ridiculous. I love the idea of Wattpad but three times takes it way too far! This is my fourth attempt at writing one chapter! ._. I hope you enjoy anyway!


Laxus sat at the bar, with a deep sigh he swirled the ice cubes around his drink. 'I can't believe it, out of everyone it could of been...it's him' Laxus thinks to himself. His gaze refocussing on the rune mage who was at the job request board. 'He will never think of me the same way again'

"So, Mating season is truly in full effect eh?" Laxus heard a voice next him. His gaze moving to the iron dragon slayer beside him.

"...Is there something more to this season than we've been told?" Laxus questions, watching as Gajeel seemingly stared into space. Upon closer inspection you would notice it was staring at his mate; Levy.

"You catch onto things quite quick don't you?" Gajeel responds turning towards Laxus, leaning against the bar in a casual manner.

"You know this is anything but casual for me" Laxus growls. Irritation filling him.

"Heh, yep. Either way your entering stage one" Gajeel replies.

"Stage...One? You better be joking" Laxus grumbles.

"Nah, not this time. But your entering the emotional phrase" Gajeel informs.

"How many phrases are there?" Laxus asks impatiently. Not realising Wendy was beside him.

"Around four" Gajeel answers. "Gihee, we have a listener" Gajeel snickers causing Laxus to snap his head behind him. To see Wendy.

"Phew, I thought it was Freed for a second" Laxus sighed a breath of relief, causing Wendy to giggle. "So that's who it is!"

"Keep it down kid!" Laxus whisper-shouts.

"Okay, okay" Wendy mocks surrender still giggling.

"Explaining it to both of you at once will do me some good" Gajeel comments.

"As I said there are four stages to this season. Stage one: The emotional stage. Stage two, the clingy one is the best way to describe it. Stage three: the protective stage and finally stage four, this is when you mark your mate" Gajeel explains.

"Sounds like you recited from a damn text book" Laxus mumbles.

"What if I did?" Gajeel counters.

"Okay, erm, guys this is sort of a serious situation..." Wendy trails off.

"Yeah yeah, but Wendy yours isn't as bad due to your age. You still will mate if you choose too. I mean it get's it out of the way so you don't have to worry about it in the future while that stages aren't properly you know..." Gajeel explains to the sky dragon slayer.

"I get it, and I prefer to mate so I'm not like Laxus!" Wendy cheers. Laxus raises an eyebrow but doesn't really do anything. Stealing a glance at Freed who is still at the job request board.

"We still need to explain to Sting-sama, Sting I mean" Wendy cuts herself off "Rogue-San and Natsu-San."

"Sting better not be making you call him that" Gajeel growls.

"He-He isn't! It's just because he's a guild master I automatically do-do it!" Wendy stutters.

"Oh, sorry kiddo" Gajeel apologises. Looking at Laxus who was staring at his drink yet.

"Laxus" Gajeel calls, causing Laxus to look up at him. "Your not alone this time. You know that right? Don't go off trying to do it on your own, S-Class or not" Gajeel warns.

"I always do things by myself" Laxus responds, meeting Gajeel's gaze.

"That's the problem" Gajeel sighs.

"I agree with Gajeel! You don't always have to be by yourself" Wendy states.

"...I just don't want to push things so far at a fast pace, you know? I sort of what's the word...treasure our friendship. Me and Freed, is it right to go ahead and try to and do this?" Laxus explains.

"Well you don't have a choice, so you might as well try right?" Gajeel reasons.

"Yeah I guess your right" Laxus agrees getting up.

"See you later then" Laxus adds walking over to Freed who was currently at the job request board.


Natsu couldn't believe it. His mate was Gray. Out of all the people, it was Gray. His rival, and he knew it was true. There was just a weird sensation that was telling him it was true. Call it a gut feeling...But it was more than that. It was like a voice at the back of his mind. Telling him that Gray is his mate and it was beyond irritating. But the one question that played on his mind. Constantly. The one thing he can't answer.

How did he fall for him?

"Natsu?" A slightly squeaky voice called to him. Natsu recognizing it as Happy.

"Yeah pal?" Natsu replied as he continued to walk to the guild.

"Can we go fishing?" Happy questions his eyes lighting up in excitement at the thought of a massive amount of fish piled up by the river bank.

"Sure, let me just pop into the guild first. I don't want them to worry" Natsu grins slightly.

"Aye sir!" Happy chimes before speeding off to the guild Natsu following shortly behind him.


Dragon Mating Season...Reversed! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now