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A/n: Yes, yes again! Pre-written! I have to fix Gratsu! Don't judge me! Actually, everyone does automatically without thinking about it anyway. I'm pretty sure people go crazy over first impressions nowadays. Gee, I sound like a twenty year old. I'm still 14! Don't take me yet maturity! You'll ever take me alive! Muhahaha. Ahhh, being immature always makes my day. Well- night while I'm writing this. Okay you can ignore me! I'll let you get on with it!


Gray just ran. He didn't care where he ended up. He didn't bother checking. He just ran. Ran and ran. Again, he was being a coward. But at that moment in time he didn't care.


He heard Natsu call him. 'Natsu? He's chasing me?'

Gray begins to panic. 'Why is he chasing me?!? Why can't he leave me alone!?'

"Grrr...Gray please just listen to me!"

Gray begins to run faster, dodging people as he made his way to a riverbank. The riverbank Natsu and Gray use to always fight at when they were kids.

'Why did my brain how to lead me here?' Gray groans clutching at his hair in frustration.

"Finally" Natsu breathes out, catching his breath. Gray was so entranced in his thoughts he didn't notice Natsu behind him. Natsu, using this opportunity grabs onto Gray's arm. Gray immediately stiffens. His thoughts drifting away.

"Gray I-"

"You-You what?" Gray cuts him off, trying to pull himself free of Natsu's grip; frustration beginning to well up inside of him at Natsu's considerably tight grip.

"Oh god damn it Gray! Listen to me!" Natsu shouts. His anger rising at a fast rate. Gray's eyes widen for a moment before he is lost in his thoughts again.


"Stage one, emotions."


"Does stage one mess with people emotions?"

"Yeah...guessing you can see it?"


Gray is brought back by Natsu's grip tightening on his arm.

"Please, just...listen to me" Natsu pleads slightly. Knowing that Gray might not come around easy...At all if he doesn't try his best. He needs to solve things...Urgently.

"Fine" Gray sighs, his shoulders slumping in defeat. Natsu grins in accomplishment, taking a seat. Dragging Gray with him.

"Who said I wanted to sit down?" Gray grumbles, desperately wanting to be standing so he could run for it if he wanted too.

"It's easier"  Natsu simply responds. Following the rivers current with his eyes. Sighing sadly.

Gray's eyes soften for a moment before they go back into his usual stoic, bored look.

"Remember when we used to fight here when we were kids?"

"...Yeah" Gray hesitantly replies not meeting Natsu's worried gaze.

Suddenly a grin appears on Natsu's face. "I used to win them all the time...!"

"...No you didn't" Gray replies, a smirk appearing in his face then soon vanishing.

"I suppose no one did" Gray admitted honestly. Looking at the grass. Natsu sighs, knowing his distraction technique isn't really working.

"Look, it wasn't that I wanted to hurt you. But I was worried. Plus I thought it would be easier if you didn't know..." Natsu trails off. Not really knowing what else to say.

"Look, I know. But it didn't stop it from hurting the fact you didn't tell me after I confronted you about it" Gray sighs keeping his gaze on the ground.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me" Natsu apologies, hugging Gray lightly from the side before letting go. Standing up. Gray sits there for a short while. Processing before looking up at Natsu who was holding his hand out.

"Come on ice princess. I aint' got all day."

Gray breaks out into small smile before grabbing Natsu's hand. Natsu pulls Gray up. Gray quickly breaking the silence.

"I forgive you this once flamebrain."

"Hehe, good to know popsicle" Natsu responds cheekily before his grin falling.

"What do you want to do about...You know?" Natsu asks hesitantly, feeling the fear of rejection start to swell up inside of him.

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to work it out on the way" Gray responds simply. Feeling the sadness towering over him slowly start to back away. The sadness being lifted from his heart.

"Sounds good to me snowflake."

"Oh and Gray?" Natsu adds causing Gray's
attention to be directed to him.


"I love you too" Natsu smiles. Leaning closer to Gray; kissing him on the lips. It was short, simple. But full of meaning Gray didn't even know existed. Breaking away, with a small grin.

"Your one complicated guy Ash for brains."

"I could say the same to you stripper."




All the fluff!!!

I fixed it! I feel accomplished! You all got the most likely least expected ship to become-

A reality! And just to let you know. Just because they confessed doesn't mean the book is over! They're still at stage one and there romance was pretty simple.

I won't drop the complete story bomb once every ship happens nu-uh! Not how I work. Development time!

*cue groans in the background*

Yes! You're stuck with me my little cupcakes.


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