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A/n: Hey guys! I'm alive! And if your wondering what I've been doing all this time; I've started a new story! A story with the same ships as this one actually. But it's a vampire and a high school AU (Alternate Universe) I'm not sure if your that sort of thing but it might be a story you enjoy if you like this one! You don't have to read it of course; just a bit of justification to as why I'm not updating as much. Plot planning...Research on vampires...Book covers all the authors list of complicated things that authors have to do before starting a new story. Research, planning and book covers which you can never get right! >.< I'll let you get on with the story.


Freed and Laxus were both sat at a table in the guild; Freed reading the book he just required and Laxus looking around the guild. Every once in a while his gaze returning to Freed. Who was deeply concentrating on reading about the mating season.

'I need to know everything' Freed thinks to himself. Reading the introduction of mating season. Laxus sighs at how hard Freed is trying to read the book. He can literally see his concentration from three miles away.

"Freed, you don't need to try so hard" Laxus comments, causing Freed's head to snap up.

"I'm not trying too hard" Freed murmurs, his eyes darting to the side.

"All I'm gonna say is don't overload yourself" Laxus states, watching as Freed proceeds to turn the page. Laxus could tell; even though he was trying to hide it that he was getting intimidated by some of the stages.

"You'll be fine Freed. I'm sure you'll do great" Laxus grumbles causing Freed to sigh.

"Are you sure I'm the right person for this?" Freed questions, Laxus stares at him.

"What do you mean?" Laxus responds, a lot harsher than he intended.

"I'm not really that special. Just a simple rune mage that looks up to you. This is something you will have to commit too. And you want to commit to someone like me?" Freed asks, looking into Laxus eyes.

Laxus was confused. Why would Freed underrate himself so much? It didn't matter. And Laxus knew he had to convince what he was truly worth.

"I don't know what moron told you that; but that's definitely not true. You are special. And don't let some stupid idiot tell you otherwise. If I didn't want to commit to it you wouldn't be my mate in the first place" Laxus counters. Freed stares at him. Struggling to believe what he was saying.

"And you don't just look up to me. I can see way more than that. You commit yourself to anything that would make me happy. No matter how hard it is. And from what I can tell. Your extreme effort for every little thing links to something else. Not admiration. But love. And that is just one of the things I love about you Freed. And I've never said so much in one sentence..." Laxus trails off. Not knowing what else to say. Freed smiles at Laxus before wrapping his arms around him.

"Thank you" Freed thanks, meanwhile Laxus could feel a blush creeping up to his cheeks.

"E-Errr..No problem" Laxus stutters slightly. Freed smiles at him.

"I guess it won't be as hard as I thought. Oh, and you're right. That's the most you've probably ever said" Freed chuckles slightly. Laxus gives a small smile before it quickly vanishes from his face.



"Awwwww! Have you seen them?" Wendy gushes, Chelia smiles at her antics before getting lost in her thoughts.

'Will we ever be like that?'

"-helia? Chelia?" Wendy's voice brought her back into reality. Chelia quickly shakes her head and gives Wendy a smile.

"Hey...Are you okay?" Wendy asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Chelia reassures. Wendy stares at her for a moment before looking back at Laxus and Freed.

"...Is it something to do with Laxus and Freed?" Wendy questions cautiously. Not wanting to just assume what Chelia seemed to be upset about.

"Well...Not really. I was just thinking about if we'd ever become like that" Chelia admits, looking at Wendy.

"I mean, I know we've not been going out for long. But all what well, I consider as moments have happened when we weren't dating" Chelia explains causing Wendy to give her a sad, but curious look.

"So...You want a hug?" Wendy asks once more, Chelia blushes.

"I suppose so...?" Chelia questions slightly.

"Okay!" Wendy exclaims giving Chelia a hug.

"You just have to ask!"


Natsu and Gray were both in a restaurant. One that was around ten minutes from the guild and served the 'most amazing' all you can eat buffet; stated by Natsu.

"So how does this work?" Gray questions, looking at the menu in confusion.

"What do you mean? It's a buffet?" Natsu questions, tilting his head slightly to show his confusion.

"Then why is there a menu?" Gray questions incredulously.

"To show you what stuff is" Natsu responds simply.


"Come on popsicle! I want food!" Natsu whines causing Gray to deadpan slightly.

"Come on then" Gray rolls his eyes slightly.

The two end up going up to the buffet. Natsu pretty much taking everything there is. Gray arrives at the table before Natsu (considering the fact he was taking so much food). Sitting down in the same position he was before (opposite Natsu) placing his plate down and sighing.

'How does he even eat so much food?' Gray thinks to himself, watching as Natsu picks up another plate. After around five minutes Natsu came back with two plates and a grin on his face.

"Move up!" Natsu comments causing Gray to look at him funny.

"Okay? I mean you was opposite me before which is way I didn't originally" Gray agrees hesitantly. Moving across the bench.

"I just wanted to sit by you instead of opposite you" Natsu shrugs, placing his plates down. Gray gives him a confused glance before figuring it out. 'Stage two.'

"Alright" Gray shrugs before digging into his food. Watching as Natsu became closer and closer every five minutes or so.

'This is going to be a long couple of weeks.'


(A/n: Looks like it's not just the dragon slayers that have effects of Mating season. And don't worry with the author notes! This chapter is around 870 words without these notes. Around 170 more than my average!)

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