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I will warn you...This chapter is completely Stingue! So if you don't like Stingue I don't recommend reading this chapter. Hope you enjoy!


Rogue and Sting stood in the door way; waving goodbye to their guests having a few arguments along the way (mainly Sting fighting with the other dragon slayers) before eventually shutting the door. Silence loomed across the house. Rogue's hand still fixes to the door nob.

"You can feel it can't you?" Rogue questions.

"The urge to mark you? Yeah" Sting replies quietly.

"...Way to say it out loud"  Rogue states after a pause.

"Well...What other way is there to say it?" Sting asks in confusion.

"Good point" Rogue murmurs,

"We don't have to do it now you know" Sting comments. "It's not irresistible."

"It is for me" Rogue gulps turning around.

"Can we just do it please?"

"You make it sound like a job" Sting pouts.

"It's- It's not that. I'm just nervous" Rogue admits.

"Nervous? I won't push you slash (/) force you to do anything" Sting responds sadly. Rogue's gaze softens.

"I know you won't" Rogue sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not doing it today anyway" Sting broke the silence. Rogue's eyes widened as he walked off.

Rogue pushing back the small tears that pricked at his eyes quickly ran after him.


Sting stopped in the hall way. He could have sworn the room was spinning. He knew he was just as nervous as Rogue. If not more. What if he hurt him? He never expected this stage to happen so soon. But Sting knew why it was the case. He figured it out a while ago. The longer you stay with your mate the shorter the season lasts. Stage one took a while, they never really spent as much time together compared to how. They didn't even share the same apartment. But as time went on they became closer. So did the stages. Sneaking up behind them as time went on. It was clever to say the least, but it doesn't change how unfortunate their situation really is.


Sting's eyes widened at the sincerity of Rogue's tone before he quickly pushed that thought away. Spinning around just in time to feel Rogue topple over him. Sending them both to the floor.

Before Stibg knew it he was on top of Rogue, a blush immediately rose to his cheeks. However, Rogue's was more of a crimson compared to the light blush dusting his cheeks.

"Rogue I wouldn't get so upset about it. I'm just as worried as you are" Sting comforts, gulping as he rolled off of Rogue.

Rogue sat up, his gaze hardening.

"Worried? Am I not good enough for you?" Rogue demanded harshly.

"It's nothing to do with that!" Sting exclaimed. "I'm worried about hurting you" Sting sighed.

Rogue's gaze softened, before looking down at the floor.

"I'm sorry Sting" Rogue apologies quietly.

Sting gives Rogue a hand, moving his hair out of his eyes gently.

"Come on, if doesn't really matter. I must've triggered them sort of thoughts by how much I dodged the marking topic" Sting comments. Rogue smiles, before grabbing his hand.

"But Sting...We'll have to do it eventually. It'll keep getting stronger until we...You know..." Rogue trailed off.

"...I know" Sting admits.

"But I don't know what to do, I'll admit it" Sting admits, before walking down the corridor, dragging Rogue down with him.

"Okay...We'll do it. But promise me you'll stop if I take things too far" Sting alerts.

"You make it sound like we're going to do something else..." Rogue chuckles.

"No,no,no!" Sting shakes his head quickly, embarrassment clearly defined on his features.

"I was teasing" Rogue sighed. "Plus we're going to the living room"

Both of them we're standing in front of each other, the warm fire just beside them. The crackling of the coal the only sound that fills the silent room.

Before they knew it both of them were leaning in, and soon enough their lips connected.

It was...Perfect.

A huge contrast to expectations.

The light and the darkness were two completely different things...

However it fit perfectly.

Rogue smiled through the kiss at his explanation.

After all, for their to be a shadow...There must be light.

The two complete each other's. without darkness and shadows light does not stand out.

Rogue is what makes Sting want to stand out from the crowd.

They're perfect for each other.

It fitted perfectly, like a lock and a key. They eventually broke away, both out of breath but both wearing big smiles across their features.

Sting quickly leaned over, bitting Rogue's neck causing Rogue to let out a gasp.

Quickly moving away Sting grinned at the small mark appearing on Rogue's neck.

It was shaped like a dragon ( a/n: of course kind of obvious sorry) however inside was a series of pattern reflecting his light magic. There was also a small light gleaming behind the dragon, a golden colour eventually transferring to a white causing a gradient to occur.

Rogue wasted no time; he quickly leant in and bit into Sting's neck in return. Deliberately choosing the opposite side of his neck in order to show this contrast between the two of them.

Rogue felt Sting stiffen slightly but nothing less. Leaning back to evaluate the mark. Smiling slightly upon seeing the very dark mark on his neck.
Completely different to the mark Rogue had, it was shaped like a dragon also however.

It was full with different types of shapes. Different shapes, all different sizes. All remaining in a a light black and a dark black in order to create a gradient. A moon behind it.

"Wow" Rogue murmurs, tracing the mark along his neck.

Sting grins, a prideful feeling filling him.



"I love you."

"I love you too."


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