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Hello! I'm back. >.~

Sorry I've been really busy lately and whatever time I've had on wattpad I've spent reading as a way to reduce exam stress. But i'm back! Oh and I was scrolling through my pictures as I do...And I can across this!

And I will finally answer it!

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And I will finally answer it!

1) None. I ship Natsu with Gray only realistically. However if I was forced to pick one it'll be Lucy. But...Nu. I need my Gratsu.

2) Again, none. I only ship Gray with Natsu. But if I'm forced to pick one that Juvia. *shivers*

3) I need my Stingue so you unfortunate soul is shipped with Lyon.

Can you guys believe it? The story is so close to finishing! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Rogue sighed as he made his way towards Sting. Who was seated at the bar, a small can of beer placed in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Rogue demands harshly, snatching the can off him a worried look shining in his red orbs.

Sting gives him a confused look before realisation crossing his features.

"Oh! I was having a small drink. I have one once a week" Sting shrugs nonchalantly.

"Why?" Rogue questions once more, in a more softer tone.

"It's a treat."

Rogue sighed. "You worried me. Don't do that again" Rogue comments, lightly hitting Sting the head before seating beside him.

"It can only a can of beer" Sting whined, before moving closer to Rogue by instinct.

"Yes but...I'm not sure why I was so worried" Rogue admits, before resting his head of Sting's shoulder.

"I hope Freed and Laxus sort themselves out" Rogue murmurs.

"I can't get over Natsu, or Wendy's response" Sting responds, resisting the urge to laugh out loud at the young dragon slayers honest nature. Rogue smiles too, before it quickly vanished off his features.

"Me neither."

"He deserves it though" Sting shrugs, Rogue pauses for a moment before sighing.

"I'm not sure. It's partly our faults as we pushed Natsu into the situation in the first place."

Sting face flashes to one of guilt, before quickly shaking his head.

"If it was that he wasn't ready he would've not marked him in the first place. He was too ready in some ways..." Sting replies openly. Rogue pauses, comprehending his words before nodding his head.

"You're right...For once" Rogue snickers slightly. Sting resits the urge to pout childishly, before shaking his head.

"I should've expected that to be honest" Sting laughs, before taking a final sip of his drink before squashing the can ferociously.

Sting bursts out in laughter causing Rogue to sigh.

"Of course. Something so simple would make you laugh wouldn't it?" Rogue questions rhetorically.


"That was rhetorical."

"I know" Sting grins.


"Hey Wen?" Cheila questions, causing Wendy to pause the show they were watching. Both Wendy's and Cheila's nerves sky-rocketed. Both knew the same question the both of them were dreading was coming. The question that had been haunting both there minds since they started this season together. The marking stage.

"...I think we need to do it" Cheila breaks the silence. Her wavering tone almost like a sword; cutting the once happy atmosphere into a more tense, and nervous one (which was rare for the two slayers.)

"I know!" Wendy squeaks, her face immediately reddening as a heavy blush floods her features.

A small giggle escapes Cheila's lips at Wendy's flustered expression, before her face mirrors one of concern.

"I mean we can always wait till next year-"

"No! Ahh sorry!" Wendy interrupts. "This will happen every year otherwise, no matter how old we are" Wendy reasons.

"But are you sure?" Cheila questions. She knew how delicate Wendy could be, and once she was marked Wendy couldn't change her mind...Not in the slightest. And that worried her, was she really the right one for Wendy? Sure, she loved Wendy to the moon and back. But she always worried about Wendy's reputation, the uncertain looks people would give her as they pass by upon hearing the news. She wanted Wendy to be happy. Even if that meant discarding her own happiness in consequence. But that's love isn't? The thought brought a small smile to Cheila's face, until it immediately fell at Wendy's upset expression.

"What do you mean?" Wendy questions, her head tilting to the side slightly to emphasise her confusion. Cheila sighed half-heartedly in response.

"I don't think you understand Wen" Cheila sighed. "I'm worried Wen, it's permanent. You can't change what decision you make now and if you go through with this everyone won't look at you the same. I don't want you to be upset, and if that means sacrificing my own happiness I will" Cheila explains, feeling tears prick at the side of her eyes. 'No...I won't cry now' Cheila thinks determinedly. Wiping her tears away quickly.

"C-Chelia" Wendy stutters, not really knowing what to say.

Cheila smiles tearfully. Laughing dryly at how quick she lasted before standing up and running into the bathroom.

"Oh Cheila" Wendy whispered. 'I love you too much to really care.'

"Wait Cheila!"


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