[0.4] [EDITED]

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Team Natsu (Excluding Wendy) were walking along the train station waiting to board the train.

"Can't we just walk?" Natsu whines, Happy circling over his head snickering.

"No" Erza replies simply. "Get in or I'll make you."

"Ugghhhhh, this will be the death of me" Natsu gives in, pouting childishly.

"Flamebrain, your an idiot. We would be walking for days" Gray rolls his eyes.

"What did you just call me?" Natsu yells.

"You heard me!"

Lucy only sighs exasperatedly, turning to Erza in hope she would step in. Sharing a silent conversation; Erza smashes the boys head together for the second time that day. "When will you boys learn?"

"Owwwwwwww- Oh come on!" Natsu grumbles holding his head. Looking at Gray he felt anger well up inside him. 'How dare Erza hurt him'

'What the-?' Natsu thinks in confusion.

"Come on Ash for brains!" Gray shouts causing Natsu to come back into reality. Gray huffs before grabbing Natsu's hand and dragging him on board the train.

"Woah! Ice-cube!" Natsu freaks out.

"What?" Gray grumbles.

"What was that?!" Natsu questions pulling his arm out of Gray's grip.

"I was saving your butt that's what!" Gray retaliates.

"Why though?"

"I don't know okay? Let's just forget it" Gray sighs before walking into the compartment.

'I better get in before the train starts moving' Natsu thought racing into the compartment.

'Why did I do that?' Gray thinks to himself staring at the window.


Wendy was still sat at the bar, waiting a response from the letter she sent a few hours ago.

'What if she can't send the letter? What if she doesn't want to talk to me? Does she have a enough stamps' thoughts were filling her head for the last ten minutes.

'Did I-' Her thoughts were cut off by the guild doors opening revealing Chelia, Lyon and Meredy. Weny's face lit up in excitement.

"Chelia!" Wendy exclaimed with a small grin.

"Wendy!" Chelia chirped, trapping Wendy in a hug.

"I thought I'd surprise you!" Chelia explains.

"Well, you surprised me" Wendy giggled. A happy feeling washing over her, it always seemed to when she was in Cheila's presence.

"I'm glad, I think Lyon is looking for Gray" Chelia responds.

"He went on a mission. He should be back soon" Wendy replied to her unspoken question.

"Oh right, thanks."

"Hey are you staying for a bit?" Wendy tilts her head to the side slightly.

"Yeah, Lyon and Meredy are talking to your master I think" Chelia states.

"Your always welcome round mine!" Wendy offers.



"Thanks Wendy! Your awesome!"


Sting and Rogue left their apartment early that morning, knowing they have to sort out some sort of meeting with all the dragon slayers before the season starts taking full effect.

"Okay, so I think we need to split the responsibility. I'll sort out getting Wendy and Laxus. You sort out Natsu" Rogue explains.

"How is that splitting the responsibility?" Sting questions.

"You take Gajeel and Wendy. I'll take Laxus and Natsu" Sting reasons.

"I'm pretty sure Gajeel has already mated..." Rogue trails off.

"We could still use his help right?"

"Yes, I suppose your right" Rogue agrees after some thought.

"Okay meet back here later" Sting orders.

"Wait, what if some people are on missons?" Rogue asks in confusion, finally realising the flaw within their plan.

"We can have the meeting as soon as we have gathered everyone" Sting suggests lightly.

"Sounds good, see you later then" Rogue bids goodbye, a sickening feeling entering his body. 'Why do we have to separate?'

Sting felt a over protective feeling wash over him 'No one better hurt Rogue.'

They both stop dead in their tracks. Shock overtaking them.

'He is my mate'


Dragon Mating Season...Reversed! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now