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A/n: Hello, hello and hello! New chapter...Hi again.

Anyways enjoy!


Laxus sighed, slamming his front door as he entered his home. He was fed up...Everything was so perfect until it came.

The urge.

He knew it was the last stage. And...Laxus panicked. He didn't know what to do and he stormed off.

He wasn't angry at Freed, but Freed has every right to be angry with him. He pretty much stormed off and shouted for no apparent reason, and on top of that spoilt the lovely evening the both of them shared. But with Freed's worry about the marking stage it was bound to happen.

He was bound to panic and...Lash out.

He is worried. Worried about Freed being scared of him. Although it doesn't seem big, the idea of Freed being even intimated by him does numbers on his heart. He would hate to see anything even remotely similar to the small amount of terror on Freed's face when talking about that season.

But what can you do after all?

He took his muddy shoes off, tossing them to the side as he made his way to the kitchen. Quickly grasping the door to the fridge and tearing it open. Pulling out a small can of beer her opened it and leaned against the fridge.

He didn't understand. Then again what did he understand? He was dense, oblivious, and the list goes on. Sometimes he didn't understand why Freed even dated him. But he knew that Freed was not ordinary. That's one thing he understood, Freed was special.

Laxus finished his drink, resisting the urge to grab another beer and went upstairs preparing for the evening. Looking out the window; watching as the rain drops flew at the window. Pummelling it to the ground.

Oh well...Suited his mood.


Natsu groaned, falling out of bed. After last night he was not in a good mood. Then again...Gray probably wasn't either.

Just thinking about Gray sent anger to rush through him. He was trying his best not to remain angry...But it was far too easy for him to become angry.

He thought about visiting Gray before he went to the guild to clear everything up, but he was so worried he would yell at him or worse...Then again a good fight always does him good. Finally deciding upon quickly visiting Gray he grabbed his clothes and put them on his bed. Seeing Happy curled up in his bed brought a small grin to his face.

'I'll keep him there for a while' Natsu thinks to himself, quickly going into the shower.

Although it was a nice shower, the temperature had no effect on him. Shrugging nonchalantly, he stepped out grabbing his towel.

Getting ready in record time he dashed out the door. A small grin on his face feeling the fresh morning air. The warm sun was glowing over magnolia, and caused a small snicker to emit from Natsu picturing Gray's annoyed expression upon seeing the bright, warm sun. Natsu pauses slightly once he passed the small river. Letting out a small laugh at old memories before moving on.

In no time at all Natsu reaches Gray's house. A confused expression, plastered on his face in no time when he saw the living room lights on. Gray is usually fussy about things when it comes going to bed. He remember that mission he went around the entire apartment until every light in the place was off. Deciding to peek through the small hole in the door he almost let out a sound of surprise when he fell through the door.

'What is going on?'Natsu thinks to himself. He was almost...Worried.

'Gray can look after himself' Natsu assured, before walking up the stairs to Gray's bedroom.

Opening the door his eyes widened before shouting:



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