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Hello! Sorry for taking a while. But I believe it is worth the wait for this chapter. It seems one of the most engaging and probably the most suitable from the reaction I've seen from you guys. I will include Chendy next chapter, don't worry!


"Rogue...Who exactly is coming?" Sting asks curiously.

Rogue sighs, predicting that Sting would get...A little excited. He always seemed to get excited when he could fight with someone. Whether is was verbally or physically. He would most likely be squabbling with Natsu, Gajeel and Laxus for majority of the night. Rogue smiled at his boyfriends antics before shaking his head, loosing track of his thoughts.

"All the dragon slayers, and the mates. So Gray, Natsu, Gajeel, Levy, Wendy, Chelia, Freed and Laxus" Rogue responds, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard.

"Oh yeah! What movie are we watching?" Sting asks excitedly causing Rogue to smile slightly.

"Not sure yet. I thought we'd decide when everyone gets here" Rogue comments, Sting nods his head in agreement before a grin crawls across his face.

Rogue gives him a confused glance, before jumping slightly feeling Sting's arms wrap around his waist.

"Sting?" Rogue questions, his face flaring up almost immediately.

"You know...We should go on a date" Sting statues confidently causing Rogue's face to heat up even more than it was originally if that was even possible.

"W-We already have we remember?" Rogue stutters.

Sting smiles slightly before shaking his head. "No I mean a proper date. Maybe a nice restaurant?"

Rogue smiles before moving out of Sting's grip.


Rogue got cut off by the sharp bell echoing through the halls. Sting huffs at their interruption before grin spreads across his face.

"Hopefully someone's up for a fight" Sting comments. Rogue rolls his eyes slightly before walking down the hall.

"Hello" Rogue states simply, opening the door revealing a grinning Natsu and a fed up Gray.


"Please day you have a stack of food" Gray states. Rogue gives him a funny look causing Gray to roll his eyes and point at Natsu.

Rogue's face dissolved into one of understanding before opening the door further and allowing them to step inside.

"What's up lightbulb?"

"Who are you calling lightbulb?!"

"They're already at it" Gray sighs, Rogue chuckles slightly.

"What did you expect?"

"More liked hoped than expected" Gray responds truthfully.

"What was with the food bit?" Rogue questions curiously.

"In hope he will stop clinging to my arm?"

"Your hoping a lot of things" Rogue points out.

"This season is driving me insane. Mainly because Natsu is acting so 'innocent'" Gray grumbles. Rogue raising a brow, and Gray sighs.

"He's doing things and he's pretending he doesn't realise he's doing them" Gray explains. Rogue turns his gaze towards Natsu before once again the sharp sound of the doorbell echoed through the halls. Gray turns his head towards the door before sighing.

"Don't tell him this but...I've been feeling weird whenever I'm around him" Gray states quietly causing Rogue's to snap up.

"Weird?" Rogue repeats in the same quiet tone.

"Yeah...Don't tell anyone until I've figured it out. I just wanted to let you know as I'm probably going to be rude in some shape of form" Gray admits hesitantly. Rogue nods before rushing to the door. Gray's gaze making it's way back to Natsu.

'What are you doing to me?'


Gray's words haunted his mind as he made his way to the door. Shaking off his nerves he opened the door to find a very pleased Freed and a grumpy Laxus.

"Erm...Hello?" Rogue greets, confusion plastered onto his face.

"Hello, this is a bit more awkward than I intended" Freed admits sheepishly.

"You're telling me, and just so you know you're the one who dragged me here Freed" Laxus states blandly.

Freed rolls his eyes slightly, before giving Rogue a small smile.

"I didn't drag him here per say, he came on his own as I was leaving the guild insisting that I needed 'protecting'" Freed smirks slightly. A blush dusts Laxus cheeks before he stubbornly turns around.

Rogue shakes his head at the two before letting them in, sighing when he sees Natsu and Sting diving into the food.

"Don't mind them" Rogue comments causing Sting's head to shoot up.

"Hey...I'm right here you know" Sting points out. Natsu snickers slightly,m at Sting's frown. Sting sends Natsu a dirty look along side gray who gives him a look of disapproval.

"I'm aware" Rogue states simply before urging Freed to follow him.

"What's a matter?" Freed asks worriedly. Rogue stares at him for a moment before replying.

"If you feel weird let me know."

"Okay...Kind of unusual. Is something suppose to happen?" Freed responds, his gaze flickering towards Laxus feeling his gaze lying on his back.

"I'm not sure" Rogue admits truthfully.

"But promise me you'll let me know."

"I promise."


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