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A/n: Hello! I bet you've been wondering for a while about me "fully concentrating on this book" well I will let you know...I've been on Holiday!

I'm back now and I have successfully written a chapter every day! Resulting in 7 chapters!

One final things...Thank you so much for 1K votes! It means a lot to me! ^~^

I hope you enjoy, and apologies for any inconvenience!


"Set from the start? What's that suppose to mean?"  Gray questions, Natsu was angry if not anything. Why didn't Gajeel explain this sort of thing from the start? Then again...It's not like he would've understood it very well.

"Well...It's a bit complicated. One person out of the two of you are more on the dominant side. It doesn't really mean much to be honest, but it just means that the one on the more dominant side experiences stages one and three more than the less dominant one. The less dominant one...More submissive is effected by stage two the most" Gajeel sighs. Everyone just stares at him. Freed, Natsu and Wendy with a more shocked expression.

"So you're telling me...This popsicle can control me!?" Natsu tells. Gajeel face palms at his immaturity, while Gray snickers.

"You invited yourself into that one, plus you just gave yourself the 'submissive role'"  Gray states, a smirk flooding his features.

"Well...You had the massive emotional thing" Natsu pouts slightly.

"It was not a massive emotional thing!" Gray counters.

"Yes it was" Natsu argued back. Rogue sighed, stepping between them.

"Will you two stop arguing? Gray...Sorry it kinda was. Natsu you're stupid for mentioning it in the first place."

Sting sniggered slightly, causing both Natsu and Gray to send a glare in his direction.

"Really you two?" Rogue deadpans slightly.

"And Sting...That doesn't exactly help." Sting pouts, while Natsu laughs pointing in his direction. Gray huffs, not happy with everyone's comments...Knowing it was true.

"So...What about the marking stage?" Freed questions.

"I expected that question to come from you" Levy says nonchalantly, pushing the rim of her glasses into a more suitable position.

"The marking stage varies. If it is a dragon slayer and a well...Normal person the dragon slayer will have to mark them anyway. But if it's two dragon slayers then they have to mark each other. And I know what your next question will be...What happens if the dragon Slayer is submissive? The submissive still marks the mate" Levy explains, Gajeek grinning in triumph.

"See? Shrimp is the more intelligent than you think." Gajeel laughs.

"How many times do I have to tell you! It is Levy! L-E-V-Y!"

"Oh...Wow. Okay" Freed gulps slightly. Laxus gaze hardens slightly, wrapping his arm around Freed protectively. Gajeel's laughter dies down, and shakes his head seeing Laxus protective expression. Cheila and Wendy were just standing there; the same confusion mirrored on both of their features. Levy knelt down slightly to look a little less...intimidating.

"Trust me...Everything will be fine. It won't be as serve for you guys" Levy comforts, a small smile flooding her features. They nod their heads unsurely in response. Small smiles plastering their faces.

"Thanks!" Cheila chirps.

Gray sighs, and shakes his head. "This does not make me feel any better."

"What's up with you anyhow?" Gajeel raises his brow.

"I don't know how to explain it. I've just got a weird feeling...It's like it's haunting me" Gray admits.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Natsu asks impatiently.

"How was I suppose to tell you? I can't even describe it" Gray grumbles.

"Well... You could at least mention it" Natsu counters.

"Okay enough of that you two. How about the rest of you? And I'm referring to the more dominant ones" Gajeel asks harshly.

"No...I don't feeling anything apart from wanting leave" Laxus shrugs his shoulders. Freed deadpans, and shakes his head

"...I don't feel anything either" Sting yawns.

"How do we know who the dominant one?" Cheila asks, her head tilting to the side.

"Well...Who's the dominant one suffered the most from the first stage."

"I believe that was you Cheila!" Wendy thought out loud.

"Right. Then Cheila is the dominant one. Do you feel anything out of the ordinary?" Levy asks carefully.

"...A little" Cheila shrugs.

"That's weird then..." Gajeel thinks out loud.

"Actually...It's not" Levy comments. "Gray and Cheila are both dominants compared to Wendy and Natsu who are submissive-"

"Hey!" Natsu interrupts. Gajeel sends him a glare, signalling him to shut up. Which he does with a small huff.

"Both are these feel unusual...But the mates who are submissive don't." Levy finishes.

"So it's the fact we're dominants?" Gray raises a brow.


"Okay..." Cheila trails off.

"Time for some food!" Natsu yells, running back into the kitchen.

"Wait for me fire breath!" Sting yells, following him shortly after.

"You wish!"


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