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A/n: Okay so I've had another chapter of Eternal Love for a while...Would you guys like me to post it?

XD. Kind of random I know, but I feel like I should give you guys a choice. ^~^

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


Natsu nervously shuffled his feet across the ground, feeling anxiety well up inside of him. Gray stared at him wide eyed. All he could do is stare, his onyx eyes mirroring many sorts of emotions that Natsu couldn't explain. Confusion, sadness, grief but worse of all: Betrayal.

"What?" Gray managed to say hoarsely. Was he really that unapproachable that he had marked him while he was asleep?!

"Huh?" Natsu questions lifting his head up slightly to be greeted by Gray's perplexed features.

"H-How?" Gray stuttered, stubbornly turning his head to the side feeling a small blush dance upon his features.



Natsu stared worriedly at Gray, Who was still fast asleep. His pale skin regaining it's more pale complexion as time went by.

Natsu sighed, leaning over the bed and resting his head in his elbows and palms.

"I swear popsicle I can never win with you" His breath hitched in his throat. Gaming the urge to...Well cuddle.

'It doesn't matter since he won't know what happened" Natsu shrugged nonchalantly, getting into the covers beside Gray. Almost shivering when he came in contact with his cold skin. It was refreshing...But it certainly didn't stop the shiver running down his spine.

Natsu rested his head upon the crook of Gray's neck. Enjoying the comforting sensation. He sat there a few minutes,the comfort making him think of home.

Without realising Natsu's lips were getting closer and closer to Gray's neck. His eyes widening as he bit into his skin. Gray's face mirrored one of discomfort, causing Natsu to shoot back.

"Oh god" Natsu murmured.

"...I just marked him...What am I going to do?"

His panic only rise upon seeing the red dragon encased in the blue cold flame.


Gray stared at him, anger beginning to rise in the pit of his stomach. He had no right to mark him without his permission never mind being approachable.

"Natsu! Are you serious? You have no right to do that!" Gray yelled. Resisting the urge to punch him in the face.

"Gray..." Natsu trailed off not really knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry."

Gray stared at him for a moment before sighing.

"I'm sorry, I need a break" Gray replies grabbing his coat.

"Huh in what way?" Natsu questions.

"Just for some fresh air on a walk" Gray responds, before turning round.

"I need to clear my head and come back. I'll see you later" Gray finally states leaving the house.

Natsu sighs, resisting the urge to curl up in a ball and sits on the sofa. Putting his head into his hands.

'What have I done?'


Wendy and Cheila walked into the guild, hand in hand. Immediately scanning the room for Gajeel.

"Why Gajeel again?" Cheila whispers.

"He has a book all about it" Wendy whispers back.

"...Oh this is  gold. Hey kiddos" Gajeel laughs.

"A-Ah! Hi Gajeel!" Wendy squeaks.

"H-Hi!" Cheila stutters.

"So, what'cha wanna talk about? Cause' I'm hungry and half asleep" Gajeel questions causing both girls to sweat drop.

"E-Erm the marking stage...How does it work?" Wendy stutters.

"However you want it to, but you need to well...Create a bite mark. That's the only thing that has to stay the same" Gajeel explains gruffly.

Suddenly the guilds doors slam open, causing attention to be directed towards he door revealing a very angry looking Gray.

"What has he done now?" Gajeel sighed, Fairy Tail soon went to it's normal loud, energetic self. Wendy to released a sigh of relief, before giving Cheila a smile.

"He hasn't done anything stupid has he?" Rogue's voice rings out causing everyone's head to snap in his direction.

"Of cause he has! He's Natsu" Sting snickers, Rogue gives him a deadpanned look before lightly smacking him around the head.

"Not helping."

"How powerful can the well...Urge shall we see say be to mark your mate?" Gray demands.

"He hasn't has he?" Rogue questions.

"Done what?" Sting asks, confusion lacing his features.

"Marked me without my permission while I was asleep. Yes, he's done that" Gray sighs.

"I can tell it was an accident but it's bugging me. How strong can it be?" Gray asks once more.

"At your guys age, and considering Natsu's a submissive very strong unfortunately" Gajeel mutters.

"Deciding whether you should be angry or not?"

"My mind and my heart say completely different things" is all Gray says before making  his way back out of the doors.


Gajeel shakes head before stating:

"The books by Levy."

"Thanks!" Cheila chirps. Wendy stares at where Gray once stood before shaking her head.

"I knew he was impatient but...Gee."

"That's the best thing I've ever heard!" Sting exclaims, before laughing. Rogue chuckles slightly at her comment before heading towards the bar dragging Sting with him.

"Good luck."


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