Sick of it!

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Lisa's pov
It's been a few weeks since I've spent any time at all with Trey other than very short texts we don't talk at all. I know he's putting me off for Lia-Sha and I'm sick of it. Something's going to give little does he know, I've figured out where he's taking her tonight through a mutual friend. And I'll be there to get what's mine hopefully this chick doesn't get out of line because I don't mind handing out an ass whooping today. I've actually been more upset because I didn't get to share my exciting news that I'm finally opening my second location for Satan's Dishes. Tonight is going to be amazing a I'll get to walk away with the man I love and deserve in life.

Trey's pov
Tonight I'm taking Sha out it's the last night I have in town before I leave for my op mission. Crazy thing is I've been distancing myself from Lisa I felt she was getting to clingy and I couldn't let that happen. Me and Sha are still moving pretty slow still no sex but its fine, this is allowing me to actually get to know her. I'm pretty much living with Sha now, I rarely go home anymore. We aren't official yet but I like where things are headed. I glance at my watch and noticed it's a little after 4pm so I put a little more on the gas and switch lanes I gotta be showered and dressed by 5:30 so this day can go as planned. I pull into the driveway and park in Sha's three car garage. After getting out with all the little gift bags I had for Sha, I walk through the garage door that connects to the house. I walk through the kitchen and into the guest bedroom and close the door. After stripping I jump into a steamy shower after washing twice I step out of the shower. I lotion down and give myself a line up around my beard, splash on a little Giorgio Armani for him and I get dressed. I grab the gift bags and take everything out to rewrap it just to put my own style to them. Then I call Sha to see if she's ready. "Hey Tank I'll be ready in five minutes Mari is doing the finishing touches to my makeup". Okay But you know I like your natural beauty, but either way your beautiful see you soon. I hang up grab the bags and head out the door to get Sha.

Lisa's pov
So I'm dressed to kill and ready to fight for mines. I've been sitting in this parking lot since 4:30pm its now 6:15pm and Trey & Sha are just now getting here. I'm impatient but I'm going to allow them to get settled before I rain 🌧 on their parade. I pull down the mirror on the sun visor and reapply my lipstick 💄. There's no way Trey's going to able to resist me, hell lets be real I'm the total package and every mans dream. After sitting for another 30mins I make my way inside. I spot Sha sitting alone at a booth and assume Trey went to the bathroom. I walk over and take a seat directly across from her. She looks at me with a ugly look & I loose it. Bitch your going to stop seeing Trey he's mine and always has been, tired of letting him babysit your ass. "Excuse me, your man chile please, if he was your man he wouldn't be at my house every night of the week" she said with a laugh. I lean in closer girl don't get your ass beat trying to play tough.  "Try me this is not what you want baby girl trust". Bitch its whatever you want I'm never scared I said standing to my feet. In a flash I felt heat come rushing over me then I realized she punched 👊🏽 me. I jump over the table and tackle her, I send three quick punches to her right eye 👁 before she flips me over. She's on her feet fast as I struggle to get up she kicks me in the ribs. With the pain I shoot to my feet and pop her four more time in the mouth, as I'm doing so she pops me the same amount of times in the left eye. Next thing I know I'm being lifted off my feet and carried out of the restaurant to the parking lot by a staff member. As soon as he re-entered the establishment, Sha comes bolting out the door. I cock back and land a nice punch 🥊 on her chin & it's lights out, sleep 💤 mode was all she got. I turn to go find Trey but as soon as I did, I hit the pavement face first. Sha had grabbed my leg and was now on top of me beating my ass, punches came down left and right when she finally stop hitting me I could barely see out out of my right eye. I pulled out my can of mace and emptied it on her and now we we're both choking. Gasping for air we both get up and go separate ways and I bump straight into Trey. He's hardly visible but I can hear him and he's yelling loud as shit.

Trey's pov
I left to go check on the food since I hired a personal chef for tonight, I wanted this night to be one of the best nights of Sha's life. But when I returned to the table it was empty, thinking that she might have went into the restroom I sat and waited. Until I heard faint yelling and some rambling coming from outside. I poked my head out of the door and what do I see.... Sha beating the fuck outta Lisa. I'm mean she was sitting on top of her going ape 🦍 shit. I don't know what Lisa said but she might of asked for it..seeing how she has a-lot of mouth. I walk over to Lisa after they separate and I'm pissed for more reason than one. Why the fuck you out here acting a total ass? I basically yelled into her beaten face. She had two black eyes the right one was almost completely closed, a bloody nose and a busted lip. "Nigga stop yelling at me I didn't start this fight". And you obviously didn't finish it either I spat out. "What are you doing with her?" "Im sick of being on stand by and you only fuck with me when you want to." "How are we going to raise this baby with you acting like this." I blow her off I'm sure she's not pregnant or she would've been said something. Lisa we are done for good I dont have time for your childish ass & go to the ER, shit you need some stitches. I say while walking off.

Lisa's pov
I do just what he instructed me too, I left and went to the ER. I got three stitches above my right eye and I got a pregnancy test done and it came back positive so I took two more and the results were the same. I got discharged and now I'm headed to Sha's house. No I'm not crazy I know where she lives because I stopped by to go over the menu when I catered the ball. I pull up and spotted Trey's McLaren I take out the test and paperwork and tape it to his windshield and pull off. I'm sick of his shit but now he has no choice but to be happy and love me.

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