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Lisa's pov
I'm 17wks today and I've been sick as a dog. The constant vomiting 🤮 shit is driving me nuts, the bad part is that it happens anytime day or night. Then I only see Trey during the doctor visits, I'm going to drive myself to the emergency today because I'm feverish & feeling weak. I tired to eat this morning but I think this baby hates food anytime I eat or drink anything..bam not even five minutes later I'm tossing my cookies up. I grab my bag and walk towards the front door and everything got blurry, I reach for the wall and slide down it. Shit I can't drive like this I say to myself I reach for my cell phone and dial Trey's number. After calling multiple times with no answer I call Sha's number. She answers on the third ring, I need a ride to the hospital please I said so faintly that I'm shocked she heard me. "Where are you she asked" I'm home, is all I remembered saying before waking up in a hospital bed to see Lia-Sha sitting next to me. When she noticed I was awake she stood to her feet and came closer. "I'm glad you're okay, had me scared for a minute after you didn't answer my questions over the phone." "So I rushed to your condo & the bellhop let me in and helped me get you into the car." Thanks I said to her Trey wasn't answering and I didn't know who else to call I replied to her. "The doctor said your vitals are very low and your blood pressure is very high, they're thinking of putting you on bed rest for awhile." Have you talked to Trey I ask her? "No I think he's on base I did call him but got no answer as well." Well anyway can you take me home please I'm feeling better now. "No your staying here until they decide to release you, you seem to be under a-lot of stress and your not taking in enough fluids." I sigh knowing she's right, then I think about the health of the baby if I were to leave. "Are you okay Lisa" she asked me. I look up at her & put my head down. No I'm not.. I'm stressing, I'm pregnant and alone. The man who I want to be with is with someone else, my business is slowing because I barely have time to manage it. Plus I've been sick as fuck for the last five weeks. To make matters worse I have doubts about being able to pick my life up after having this kid. All of a sudden I feel sick I lean out of the bed & reach for the trash can. As soon as it's in my grip I vomited a clear liquid, I sat the trash can back onto the floor & lay my head against the pillow. I start to cry 😭 I never would have thought I'd hate carrying a baby, Tank's baby for that matter. I look up and realize Sha is still in the room, I tell her I'm going to sleep. "Alright I'll be back to check on you get some rest." Thanks again Sha because I know you didn't have to come I truly do appreciate it. She nods and walks out, I sink into the hospital bed and wrap the covers around myself and cry all over again. Thinking about the things I should have done differently in my life, and being faithful to Trey was one of them. When we started dating everything was cool but after around the two year mark he started to distance himself. I wish I would've just talked to him about how I was feeling instead of seeking attention elsewhere. Maybe then we'd still be in love and married by now and having this baby wouldn't be so hard because I would've been his wife and comfortable and happy. Instead I'm sick and stressed, losing weight when I so most definitely should be gaining weight. I close my eyes and cry myself to sleep.

Trey's pov
After leaving base and making to Sha's house I realize I haven't heard my phone ringing all day. Then it donned on me I left my phone plugged up in the guest room. I go to retrieve it off the night stand & when I unlock the screen I have 10 missed calls from  Lisa and the same amount of texts I also have 14 missed calls from Sha & 6 texts but the one ☝️ that stands out from the rest reads: 911 call me asap. I'm thinking Lisa did something crazy and now I'm going to have to fuck her life up. I dial Sha's number and she answered on the 1st ring. Baby what's wrong are you okay, where are you, send me your location, I say all at once. "Chill out I'm fine I was calling because I got a call from Lisa and before I get a good sentence out she passed out", What is she okay what hospital she at...Damn is the baby okay, what room is she in? "She's fine for now her vitals are low and blood pressure is high, their most likely going to put her on bed rest upon her release." "But I'll send you over her info so you can go see about her soon." Thanks so much for doing that for her Sha I said, " I didn't do it for her I did it for you and the baby." Either way thank you, you're a life saver literally.

After we hang up she texts me Lisa info and I head to the hospital. Once there I walk to the front counter, Hi I'm here to see Lisa Williams I said to the male nurse behind the counter. He types her name into the computer and says she's in room 406 take the elevators down the hall to your left. I walk down the hall and to the left and press a button. The doors open to the elevator and I step in, as I press the #4 the doors close. The doors open a few minutes later, I step off the elevator and walk down the hall and stop at room 406. I walk in and notice Lisa asleep so I just sit in the chair almost falling asleep until I hear a knock on the door. Lisa doesn't move she's out of it, another knock comes to the door. I stand to answer it and when I answer the door anger washes over me as I lay eyes on the man who almost ended my life. He was wear a black t-shirt, black and grey jeans, with black and grey 12's. His hair was cut close to his head and he had a-lot of grays sticking out of his beard. What the fuck you doing here bruh! "Yo I'm not here to see you I came to see Lisa move yo punk ass around nigga." I slam the door in his face and walk over to wake Lisa. Lisa wake up I nudge her, she slurs her words and says yes. Lisa wake up why is that nigga coming to see you I asked. She sits up in the bed and asks "what nigga are you talking about your the only nigga I deal with." I'm pacing the floor at this point, I stop and look at her Damian's bitch ass I spat out. Her mouth dropped, "What how does he know I'm here I haven't spoken to him since the day of his sentencing." "I want to leave I dont feel safe here", she said all while trying to get up from the bed but was too weak to get up. I walk over to her and kneel down, swear to me that your being honest with me about this. She starts to cry "I swear Trey I don't communicate with him." I walk to the bed a press the page button for a nurse. The nurse walks in 29mins later I tell the nurse I need to speak with someone to release Lisa and about getting her a private at home nurse. Two hours later I drive Lisa to my house and set her up in the guest house. I explain to her where everything is, then I tell her to let the in-home nurse do most of the work. I go back into the main house & grab a beer out of the fridge and sit on the couch. I sigh and take a swig of my drink and think too myself if this nigga come for me or my baby/baby momma I'm most definitely going to end this hoe ass nigga no questions asked.

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