Bad timing

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Trey's pov
The night of the fight me and Sha left and I went to pack for my mission. After talking to my little Mike Tyson for awhile I grabbed my bags and headed towards my car. I was opening the door to my truck when I noticed paperwork blowing in the wind on my other car. I sat my bags down on the back seat and went to retrieve whatever was stuck to my windshield. As I got closer I seen what looked like a pee stick. I snatched the papers and stick off the windshield and began to read. Lisa K. Williams 10weeks pregnant blood work came back positive. In the corner of the paperwork was hand written letters that read: "Told you so, I love you daddy to be." I'm pissed off I allowed myself to get sucked back into her whirlwind of bullshit. Fuck and now this bitch is pregnant 🤰 what the fuck am I going to do now. I walk back to my truck and hop in, I drive to the airstrip where me and my team are catching a cargo plane to our destination. Once I arrive, I brief the team one more time so we're all on the same page. Then we head out, I was so deep in thought  that I didn't realize one of my soldiers asking me about the plan B briefing. "Yo Sergeant Caldwell you good, cause now's not the time to be distracted". I snap out of my thoughts yea I'm good & there is no plan B. We get there follow the main plan & work together as one & we wont need a plan B. I never plan to fail...when you fail people die & I'm not dying today corporal got that. I stand up and call all my guys to attention to give the don't fuck this up speech before we land.

Two weeks later
I just landed back in El Paso, I'm more than ready to see Sha. I limp off the runway to where she parked at on the military airport base. She gets out and rushes to my side and I can hear the panic in her voice. "Oh my goodness are you okay, what happened out there why are you limping?" I laugh but stop once I see the look of real concern in her eyes. I got shot twice but I'm fine, I had to jump in front of one of my soldiers to save his life after my team made a few mistakes. "I'm just glad your alive sweetie" she said while opening the car door for me and allowing me to climb slowly inside. After getting in the driver seat and starting the engine she said "If that bitch Lisa wasn't pregnant I'd whoop her ass again." I looked at her & asked how'd you know with my head down feeling ashamed. "She comes by leaving things every time she does, she left a pee-stick, a ultrasound, hell even threats by mail lol." Yeah I know the bitch is crazy but I'm going to go have a talk with her. Shit and after the beaten you put on her I'm surprised she even got the balls to pull up. I tell Sha to drive me to Lisa house, after putting the address in the gps she pulls up 15mins later. I call Lisa and tell her to come outside. I step out the car and I feel like I'm being shot all over again with the pain I'm feeling. Lisa comes down and she doesn't look pregnant at all. "Hey baby why didn't you call me I would've pick you up and brought you home." Lisa go and get the paperwork from your latest doctor's appointment and your newest ultrasound please. She turns and goes into the building coming back out 10mins later with the paperwork and ultrasound. I carefully read both then dial the doctors contact number, after verifying that's she is indeed pregnant. I lay out the ground rules, from here on out I'm attending every appointment & your going to stop harassing Sha, if possible I want a D-N-A test done before the child is born. I'm not saying it's not a possibility that it's mine I just want to be sure, I know how you get down. What me and Sha have has nothing to do with you and if your smart you'd leave her alone you don't want to piss me off Lisa. Now go in the house if you need anything text me don't call unless it's extremely important. Do I make myself clear I ask, she rolls her eyes 🙄 "Yea you do, but I'll tell you one thing when this baby is born your going to be with me or you wont see this baby." Bitch play that game if you want to! If this my child and you start acting dumb I have no problem taking yo stupid ass to court and getting full custody bitch try me. And I apologize for calling you a bitch, just start acting like you have some sense and we'll be straight. I open the car door and struggle to get in, once I was finally in I turned to Sha. I want to apologize for putting you in this situation you deserve better than what I've given you. I appreciate you being here for me and as long as I have breath in my body I'm going to respect you like the woman you are. "Thanks I needed to hear that but I told you before I'm falling for you, so I'm here for you whenever you need me." So your place or mine I ask? "Let go to your place its a ghost town over there" she laughed. With that we head towards my house holding hands the entire ride.

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