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"Taehyungie, what's wrong?" Jin tapped his shoulders. "Seokjin, I want to get revenge." The older gulped. He was too tired to handle V but if he didn't who knows what would happen.

"You have every right to feel that way however I've said it to you before I'll say it again-" That's when V cut him off "I know Seokjin, I should only hurt the people from the lab and no one else-" Seokjin sat next to him.

"Exactly." V was quiet as usual. The two continued to look out the window. "Hey Seokjin."

"Hm?" V turned around "If I ever hurt you just know I probably don't mean it one hundred percent okay?" The older nodded his head. "You should eat something."

"You're right Jinnie I need to!" Taehyung ran to the kitchen as Jin sighed and looked out the window.

He knew damn well people were looking for Taehyung/V. So he made it his job to project him. However he knew that V wouldn't get over what happened and that's okay. It's his actions that Jin is afraid of, the temper he has.


"Namjoon...wait!" Jungkook cried out. "You asked for this now hold still!" Jungkook squirmed underneath Namjoon's grip. "Fuck man shut up!" Namjoon was getting anxious. The younger pushed Namjoon away causing a horrible accident.

"You wanted a piercing!" Jungkook stood up and punched the older in the arm. "Not from you, you're clumsy!" Namjoon's gaze went to Jungkook's arm. "Look what happened! Your arm is bleeding from pushing me!" The older hurried out to get the kit.

The oversized fat needle that Namjoon was going to use to pierce Jungkook's ears took a snatched to the younger's arm.

Jungkook sat down waiting patiently. Jimin told him specifically to take care of his body. He recalled the words he told him.

"No one wants a man who looks like trouble".

"Idiot!" Namjoon came back with his emergency kit. He quickly began working on his arm. "Namjoon, do you think it'll leave a scar?" The older nodded his head while concentrating.

"When are we going to Paris?" Namjoon sighed "I don't think you should come..." That's when the younger pushed Namjoon again. "Why not!"

"I don't want you to get your hopes shattered, you're a good kid Kookie." Jungkook looked away.

The younger didn't realize that the older had a point. Namjoon, was smarter than anyone and Jungkook couldn't see that at all when it came to love. Namjoon, is only looking out for him. He cares so much about Jungkook. However the younger doesn't realize this, he doesn't see how much Namjoon does care for him.

"I'm going whether you like it or not!" Jungkook walked out as Namjoon rubbed his temples.

Jungkook's temper was no joke.



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