Frying Pan

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<6 Months Later>

"Babe, grab our kid he's acting crazy." Namjoon went over to his boyfriend and hugged him. "Taehyung, is a man let him go." Jin laughed lightly, "I know, but he's special to me."

Half a year went by, very hard to believe for the two couples. In that time frame nothing big has happened.

Except Taehyung dyed his hair red while Jungkook got tattoos. Namjoon nearly fainted as Jin was surprised to say the least.

"What time are guys I don't know, LEAVING?" Taehyung laughed and threw a pillow at Namjoon. It was a routine that just happened where Taehyung and Jungkook came over on Friday and left on Monday. They were a family and they needed to all see each other in order to feel happy. "You don't really want me to leave shut up!" Jungkook got up and went to Jin.

"Uh hyung?" Jin stopped cooking and looked over at the youngest. "What is it?"

"Get your man." Jin crossed his arms and laughed since he knew why the younger was off recently. "Go talk to him about your ideas don't be shy."

Jungkook looked up to Namjoon like a god. He was back directing. There's buzz about an Emmy. However Jungkook started getting into making videos of his own. He loved filming and editing. Getting a recommendation from Namjoon would boost his starting career.

"JUNGKOOKIE, HELP!" Jungkook rushed back into the living room and saw Namjoon being crushed by Tae. "He said my hair reminded him of play doh." Namjoon laughed but then stopped due to Taehyung adding more weight onto him.

"WHO ATE ALL THE DAMN MEAT!" That's when the three ran upstairs.


"COWARDS!" Jin had a pan blocking the doorway. "Come clean now."

"Babe it was me I-" Jin ran with his pan because Namjoon knew that Jin changed his diet since he was trying to get more muscle. "THERE WAS OTHER FOOD YOU PIG!" Tae and Jungkook laughed once they realized who was the dominant one.


"Goodbye guys stay safe!" The younger couple decided to blast being that they didn't want to get beaten with a pan when Jin would see that his cake was gone as well.

"Back to our flimsy apartment..." Jungkook groaned going up the jacked up stairs. "Hey don't say that I like it here." Taehyung was offended that Jungkook still didn't like where they lived.

"I get it, but I'm not happy here..." Taehyung hugged his boyfriend reassuring him, "We won't stay here, but anywhere we live is fine because you're in it."

Jungkook loved how optimistic Taehyung was. He needed that sun in his life that would remind him he was stars. "I love you."

"I love you too." Taehyung gave Jungkook a small kiss on his boyfriend cheek. "Also I may or may not have signed a contact with a company..." Jungkook instantly snapped out of his love gaze. "What company?"

"Jin's uncle's company bighit I know it's unfair but hey..." Jungkook was happy that Taehyung was ready to share his golden voice with everyone.

"So you're an artist now?" Taehyung laughed, "I haven't even released a song yet..." but Jungkook kept cheesing. "I'm dating a singer!"

Taehyung caught on, "And I'm dating a video producer."



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