We've Met Before Under The Golden Sky

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A 18 year old boy with both eyes two different colors ran as fast as he could. He tried his best not to breathe so heavily as they were already looking for him.

He stopped and sat down next to a tree. The boy tried to watch his breathing. He had to figure out what the next step was. His thoughts however were interrupted by voice. It wasn't their voice the people looking for him it was someone else.

"Stupid world", The boy with chestnut hair said while throwing a rock out. He was a 16 year old boy who was mad at the world. "I don't get it..." he sat himself down on the dirt.

It was mostly empty where the two were at, high above ground. You could see the stars up above, like gold.

"This wouldn't be so bad if love existed", the chestnut hair boy said as he made a heart in the dirt with a stick.

The two colored eye boy stepped closer to get a good look at him. Except a tree branch cracked in the process.

"Who is it?" The young boy asked. "I didn't expect someone like you to be out here..." The older boy decided to show himself. He walked over and sat himself right next to the younger boy. Of course the chestnut hair boy was speechless. This guy sitting next to him.

Has two colored eyes.

And it's almost as if the older one knew was he was thinking.

"Pretty weird right? My...family has this genetic..." The older felt awful about already lying to this boy. He was adorable, so pure looking and stubborn looking as well.

"That's cool." The younger boy looked at the older one for a second and then looked back out at the sky. "Hard day?" The younger sighed, "How did you know?" The older boy smiled.

"Me too."

Of course the two colored eye boy was in hell. But for some reason he didn't want to hurt this new boy he met. For what reason he didn't know. He didn't call for help either.

"How old are you?" The young boy asked. "I'm sixteen and you?" The older one had to think. He doesn't know much about his life before the incident. "I'm...eighteen." The younger boy was now red to the cheeks that an attractive 18 year old boy was talking to him.

"See you under the gold sky tomorrow okay?" The older stood up and walked away.

Gold sky? The younger thought. He looked up and saw the stars. This brought a new feeling of warmth to him.


The older hid for a good amount of time to see the chestnut hair boy again. By the time he arrived the boy was already there.

"You actually came?" The older was surprised. "Well, it's you of course I came." In that moment the young boy smiled.

Something sparked in the older one. A smile? He's never seen a smile that's so genuine.

"I like your smile", The older said like nothing and looked up at the sky. The chestnut hair boy was red just like the day before.

The two watched the gold sky in silence. Just each other's company was enough.

For the older two colored eye boy it brought him some sense into reality. The place where he should be and not some lab. For the young chestnut hair boy it brought him comfort and sparked a feeling inside of him.

Maybe love does exist?

"Let's come back tomorrow okay?" The older ruffled the younger's hair and walked away.


This went on for two weeks.

The young boy couldn't deny that he was falling for this guy. So mysterious and handsome and best of all older.

Except once they found the two colored eye boy they told him if he didn't come back they'd kill this new boy being that he's been seeing.

He's not a person he's an experiment and the fact that someone from the public saw him and met him was no good.

So the older went out one last time.

Except the chestnut boy had some food laid out on a blanket. "You're here!" The young boy ran to give a hug.

This tugged something in the older's chest.

"What is this?" The younger explained that he wanted this day to be special.

And it was because their lips exchanged words that couldn't come out.

"I like you..." The younger boy said.

Except the older one noticed a red dot on the younger boy. He was running out of time. That red dot meant someone had a gun ready.

"Come back tomorrow." So the older ran off.


The younger showed up the next day ready to greet his boyfriend.

Yes his boyfriend, even if the older didn't say anything the younger knew they were soulmates. The younger felt the same fire in the other. The kisses they exchanged meant something. It had too.

Except the older never came.

But the younger kept coming.

And coming.

Until one day he realized love isn't worth anything. Love from his family? It didn't exist. Love from anyone else? It's all an illusion.

So the boy ran away only to be woken up by some old lady.

End of flashback

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