ONE| Once

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Once upon a time, you loved Kim Taehyung. 

Of course, how could anyone not? With such a physique and outward appearance that not only spoke in ways of confidence but also endearing attractiveness, he walked about in a way that could have anyone loving him upon first sight. 

But it wasn't just sight that made Taehyung such a lovable person. He was childish, bubbly, and excited yet funny and unique minded; making every conversation something you would continue to think about for days. He was interesting and loved the little things in life; finding joy in areas most people couldn't.

Kim Taehyung was lovable. This was undeniable. His atmosphere in itself was one people attempted to cram into whenever possible, but even then he always smiled and somehow had enough joy to give to everyone. Strangers fell for him.

You however were certainly no stranger and had known him since child hood. You watched him grow up. He always seemed to be him, even in the bumps in his life. He was full of bliss and wonder; sometimes this even rubbing off on you.

"I want to make my own dreams," He would say, gazing at the sky with a look of longing. To some he might seem blank or simple minded. But you knew this wasn't true. In everything Taehyung did he used his mind and heart; fulfilling all known wonders of himself through his own vast universe and imagination. 

"Do you have dreams now Tae?" You asked, truly wanting to know. What dreams could the brightest people have?

He would think for a moment.

"My dream is to have dreams," He would say, "Create something only I can." You never doubted for a moment that he wouldn't. 

In a way, maybe you had always loved Taehyung. As a child we sometimes misinterpret or are unable to recognize emotions towards another, but the older and more mature you both became the more you began to realize... he was something special. And what you felt for him was a longing that this sort of special would stay in your life forever.

In high school you became more distant as Taehyung immediately was spread across the school; doing his best to give everyone who asked a piece of his joy but finding it difficult. It wasn't that you faded away. He just had more people in his life.

"Sometimes I miss childhood," He told you after school one day, "When things were simpler and the world was bigger. If I could choose then I would be a child forever."

You laughed a little, knowing he wasn't exactly far off from achieving this goal. His mentality was almost one of a kid at times which only made him even more endearing and almost refreshing. When he smiled at you that day, you felt something strange.

It wasn't the feeling you feel mentally like if you think something bad might happen or experience fear; but more so something you felt primarily in your heart. It started in your chest and resonated your entire body; shaking you slightly as the feeling was almost unexpected. This tingling grew and grew as you found yourself looking more and more at him as the days passed; he not only proving to have an attractive personality but also looks as he grew and began grasping at growing up... at least on the outside.

As he became more and more adored, sometimes he was only able to shoot you a small smile in the hallway, but even this simple action shot you in the heart. You had a major crush on this lovable person and old friend and found it unable to disappear no matter how hard you tried; even if you had began to disappear from his life.

Of course it didn't take you long to figure out you loved Kim Taehyung. Unfortunately other people were beginning to realize this as well and happened to be much bolder than you.

"I really like Taehyung," one of your friends told you one day, something panging in your heart immediately as you heard the common statement. You felt slightly ill as the he who held your heart was mentioned by another.

"Oh?" You mused, unsure of what to say exactly.

"You used to be friends right? Would he say yes to me do you think?"

"I-I don't know..."

You didn't know. But with everything you were beginning to feel you crossed your fingers tightly; willing him to say no. When you walked out of school to see your friend standing in front of him and confessing, you froze. 

You watched as his face erupted into one of surprise. It was your first year of high school and this was Kim Taehyung's first of many confessions. He was taken aback slightly and you watched as he shyly laughed a bit. 

You should have known. He couldn't say no. What you didn't know was that at that moment, Kim Taehyung in a way found his dream. Upon growing up he became fascinated with love and the many ways it effected his life, and when this girl asked him out and he said yes, he began a sort of quest.

Did love in the books and movies exist? He wanted to know. He had to know. He believed in it so wanted his own.

Your heart not only broke but shattered as news of the couple spread across the school. As a kid you would voice your concerns in front of Taehyung and cry into his shoulder, but he had faded out completely and you found yourself crying freely with no support the first nights upon this news.

That relationship hadn't worked out. Taehyung treated her and every girl to come as best as he could, but ultimately he found himself feeling nothing and eventually went his separate way. You watched as he went through many relationships during high school; he never turning anyone down and giving his heart to whoever would simply ask for it.

You ended up fading out of his life completely as he struggled in his quest for love and happiness and was no longer known by him. You were practically a stranger as he became simply too busy to even look your way.

Because of this your heart hardened; love eventually withering away into something much more dark and sinister... hate. You began to hate him. 

With him adored by all you figured he could spare to have one forgotten person not give him love and began loathing his very existence in your bitterness. He didn't know of course. He probably didn't even remember you existed.

Every time you heard rumors of a new girlfriend or even talk of him at all, you would roll your eyes and yearn for the day when you could graduate and never have to hear the name Kim Taehyung again.

Once upon a time you hated Kim Taehyung. He was beloved by all but you. You could hardly take it anymore, and when the end of your final year of high school approached, you began to get excited. You wished you could forget about him completely but this was impossible if you were in school. His name must have been spoken at least a hundred times a day. You were excited for the day that you wouldn't hear his name. Maybe then he could be erased from your memory forever.

Graduation day came and you felt your heart soar at the prospect of leaving. You would never see him again. 

Kim Taehyung was officially gone from your life forever.

The end.


Or so you thought.

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