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The streets were alive with the bustle and life of civilians as you, Taehyung, and Jimin walked through them. The boys seemed to have had a difficult time adjusting to walking around in the heavy armor they had found in the trunks, so were now instead dressed in what was considered to be more casual knightly wear.

Sewn together and constructed from heavy wool and linen, they sported what was apparently called gambesons; padded defense garments made by quilting. It was also heavy and multiple layered judging by how Taehyung complained at first about how hot it was. After awhile though, he stopped complaining due to the fact that he and Jimin were having so much fun.

You almost felt like the third wheel as you watched them chatter in excitement about all the weapons and prospects of using them, not turning your way as they exuberantly spoke between themselves. You rolled your eyes at this and apologized to a man the two had accidentally ran into in their excitement and not even stopped to notice.

They had been sent into town to fetch supplies in case of another supposed 'raid'. You didn't know what war was going on, but it was clear to see that all the civilians of the kingdom looked a bit on edge and stressed; as if they were constantly in a state of fear. Unfortunately, you still didn't know what story or legend you were in. You wanted to figure it out with the help of the boys, but they weren't being very helpful at all.

The two that were supposed to be the knights doing the work were a bit scatterbrained as they mostly talked between the two of them and ultimately it was you who was put on list duty.

"Hey! Wait!" You called out to them as they passed by one of the peddlers selling goods. He had a lot of rope, which was one of the items the knights apparently needed. Sighing in irritation, you instead smiled politely at the weary salesman.

"Um, hello, so the knights of the kingdom request 100 yards of rope to be delivered to the castle. Please have it delivered by nightfall."

The man looked at you skeptically in a way that made you uncomfortable before speaking.

"You aren't a knight. You are a woman."

You clenched your teeth and tried to calm yourself while breathing out.

"Look, I know. But I'm here with knights, see? They-" You tried to motion to Taehyung and Jimin who had just been right in front of you, but now were no where to be seen. The man began to look angry, so you wearily told him to forget the order and rushed off to find the boys.

"TAEHYUNG!" You scolded upon finding him stuffing his face at one of the bakery carts, he looking your way after hearing your shout with cheeks puffed out from carrying whatever he had been eating and crumbs strewn about his face. "What is going on with you two, you guys are supposed to be gathering supplies!" You motioned towards the list in your hand as Taehyung's eyes followed. "There's a lot to do, and unfortunately I can't help much. You guys have to-"

"Taehyung!" Jimin interrupted, capturing his attention and moving it away from you. "Come with me! I found something really cool!"

You stood dumbfounded as Taehyung joyously followed the bright male and left you standing there with the list alone. Your mind swirled with a mix of emotions as frustration led the way. Huffing in anger, you hesitated as you tried to piece together the real reason behind what you were feeling.

Were you really so upset that they weren't doing their job? Or maybe you were angry because you clearly didn't have rights as a woman in the time period? But no, although aggravating, those were only surface irritations. Maybe deep down, you were upset because for the first time in awhile, Taehyung's attention wasn't only on you. It wasn't just the two of you and Taehyung wasn't desperately searching for ways to befriend and get closer to you anymore.

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