FOUR| Magic

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You felt dizzy as the sun beat down on your face and a light breeze brushed past your face.

What happened?

You groaned slightly and allowed an arm to raise out of the grass so you could hold your head in your hands. A slight migraine penetrated your skull and you winced before finally opening your eyes to blinding sunlight.

You quickly closed them again when you saw how bright the sun was and covered your eyes with your hands. Wait a moment... why were you outside?

The last thing you remembered was fighting with Taehyung at the toy store. Why were you now... in a field? The grass was itchy and brushed past your forearm in an uncomfortable fashion; causing you to finally sit up straight so it wouldn't tickle you any longer.

You opened your eyes again, but this time with more caution as to not be blinded once more. You blinked a few times before looking around in shock. You were in a field, just as you had speculated by the feel of the grass. Wild flowers littered about the tall weeds and you looked a little ways away to see a dirt road.

You had absolutely no idea where you were or how you had gotten there, and when this settled in you immediately panicked; fear rising within you. Your terrified state was suddenly interrupted though when your eyes settled on a form laying in the grass only a little ways away from you.

You gasped before rubbing your eyes and slowly opening them again, wondering if maybe Taehyung's presence was fake. For one, he didn't look... real. His eyes were closed as he seemed to be deeply sleeping in the tall grass; the light bringing forth his relaxed and... admittedly gorgeous... facial features. Sure you hated him but you weren't blind.

His eye lashes rested against his cheek and the wind lightly picked up his now slightly curled hair; his lips slightly parted and grass tickling his ears.

His presence should have made you more fearful in retrospect, but you couldn't help but breathe out in relief that someone else was there and you hadn't woken up in the middle of the wilderness with no memories of getting there on your own.

Unfortunately the one with you just so happened to be Taehyung. He wore a simple long sleeved shirt and trousers; looking as if he were about to peddle goods or something.

After inspecting his unusual attire you looked down; for the first time looking at yourself. You didn't remember putting on a dress... Oh my gosh, had you been drugged and left for dead in the wilderness?!

You swallowed hard and quickly stood up, making your way over to Taehyung's side. He looked very peaceful as he slept, and you bit your lower lip for a moment before leaning over him and quickly poking his arm.

"Taehyung?" You harshly whispered as your finger firmly jabbed his bicep. He didn't stir and your eyes widened when you realized what you had just done. "Ew I touched him!" You exclaimed in disgust, wiping your hand on the skirt of your dress as if to dispose of his germs.

You stiffened when he still didn't move and began to panic again. What if he was dead?! Figuring you'd rather touch him than be left alone, you grabbed his shoulders and shook him harshly in attempts to wake him up.

"Taehyung?!" You spoke in a panicked voice, now a little louder as you did your best to awaken him from his deep slumber. Finally you felt him move slightly under your grasp and let go as his eyes slowly opened.

Taehyung was quite surprised to open his eyes to you hovering over him; the sunlight casting around your form and highlighting certain aspects of your face. The light also caught areas of your hair that slightly blew about in the wind and had flowers embedded in it. You were wearing a simple yet pretty brown dress. He blinked for a moment before immediately clenching his eyes shut and scrunching up his nose; hiding his face with his hands.

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