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"Jimin? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't worry."

"Please don't beat yourself up... just because you didn't make it as a trainee doesn't mean your life is over. You have tons of talents and you're amazing! Let's get a job together, how about that?"

"I'm OK, Taehyung. Really, it doesn't bother me. I'm over it."

"Well... if you say so. You still seem sort of down though... I was going to apply at this new toy store in town and I'm not backing down on my offer if you want to apply with me."

"I'll think about it."

"Jimin, I'm sorry. I can't stop worrying. I know you got a lot of hate online, but you have to ignore it. There's a lot of people who love you, me included. I just wish you could learn to love yourself."

"I think that would take a miracle..."


"Where's Jimin?" You spoke briskly while running as fast as you could; the blaring of horns echoing behind you as you fumbled with the pages of the book in your gloved hand. 

You cursed a bit when the helmet on your head clanked shut to hide your face and you fumbled to get it open so you could read whatever answer the book would give you.

"He's out with the other knights defending the castle. Like Taehyung should be."

"I'm getting annoyed," You spat in disbelief. "Why do we have to defend the castle?! Why is he out there?!"

"You're causing a lot of problems by constantly fighting everything you know,"  the words on the book spoke rather haughtily, "You used the spell you were supposed to cast on the enemies on Taehyung. Taehyung's supposed to be out there for a reason, and you're messing it all up." 

"Oh, so now you'll tell us what the words on our wrists mean? Why haven't you in the past?!" You spoke in irritated shock as you fumed and felt a rush of confused emotions. To your surprise, tears were even brimming in your exasperation.

"I'll only tell you if you've done it all wrong. And guess what? You're doing it all wrong."

"You don't understand," You spoke harshly, a bit of a quiver to your voice as you tried to stop it from breaking. "Taehyung could be killed. I can't let that happen."

The pages rustled as one knight pushed past you with a torch; shouting panicked orders at others as crashing noises and shouts followed suit.

"And yet you're still in denial. You're a coward."

"OK," You admitted, tears falling a bit as you tried to keep your composure but not doing a good job in the process, "OK I am. I'm a coward. I'm a coward because I want my friends to live, and I'm a coward because I can't just tell Taehyung the truth about everything that happened between us. I'm a coward and I'm afraid. I'm afraid of my own emotions, I'm afraid of the past, I'm afraid of my dreams, and I'm afraid of Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin dying in one of these chapters. I'm terrified. So please, for once, just let my mind be at ease and help me find Jimin so we can all live though one more story and make it to the end, wherever it is and if it even exists."

The book said nothing for a moment as you attempted to wipe away your tears with your metal glove. One escaped and fell onto the pages; splattering onto the crisp paper as you struggled to regain your breath.

"OK OK, enough. Stop crying. Jeez, it's like I'm dealing with babies. Look, Jimin is out in the town by the shops where you were earlier. He's trying to protect the people."

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