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"Yes Tae?" 

"I'm sad."

"Why are you sad now?"

"Well I'm thinking about growing up. And how hard everyone makes it sound."

"I'm sure it's not so hard. Just different I bet."

"It'll probably be easy for you...

... (Y/N)?"


"Will we still be friends? When we get older and... grow up?"

"Of course."


You must have been exhausted, because even with the movement of shaky bumps, a heavy weight leaning on you, and something itchy touching your skin, you still didn't open your eyes.

A sudden jolt caused the warm weight that was leaning on you to groan slightly, and you slowly opened your eyes. It was night time. That was the first thing you noticed for whatever reason.

There were however a lot of things to notice, like how you seemed to be in the back of a wagon that was filled with straw. The straw was itchy and harshly rubbed against your skin with every small bump in the wagon.

Another quite clearly obvious thing that you probably should have noticed first was the fact that you and Taehyung were leaning against each other in a very sickeningly sweet and could be taken-the-wrong-way sort of touch. You stiffened as you realized this, but found yourself frozen under his cheek that rested against your head. Yours was rested on his shoulder, and you felt his breath fan against you in a rhythmic way before another bump in the wagon made him groan in dissatisfaction once more. The sound made you shiver and you closed your eyes for a moment to will the situation away. 

The problem was, it wasn't just Taehyung leaning against you. If it had been, you would have just angrily pushed him off. It was both of you leaning against each other; a mutual thing, so you found you didn't exactly know how to react.

It probably wasn't even your own doing. The world the two of you were entrapped in seemed to have a mind of it's own as it continued to push you two in situations you found most unpleasant. How... how much time did pass between chapters? You found you were too exhausted to even think on the matter and wanted badly to just go back to sleep, even if you didn't even know where you were or where you were going.

You closed your eyes again, forgetting that the warmness lulling you to sleep was in fact the guy you disliked so much as you lightly shuffled against him in your exhaustion. However when he moved slightly, you seemed to remember as your eyes shot open and you quickly moved away; he collapsing as what had been supporting his weight disappeared. 

He groaned as he painfully hit his head on the floor of the wagon, you clearing your throat and grimacing when you realized how close you had been to him. 

"(Y/N)?" He moaned, and you snapped your head down his way. "Where am I?"

"You think I know?" You snapped groggily before suddenly remembering what Taehyung had previously been through and pausing for a moment. 

"My head hurts," He complained, "And my stomach hurts." 

"Yeah..." You trailed off, unfortunately allowing a small speck of sympathy enter your heart before placing a hand over your chest. You remembered the way it had thumped with adrenaline upon saving him. Saving him... you had saved him! "Taehyung do you... remember anything?"

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