EIGHT| Right

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"And then she said she'd push me out the window!" Taehyung informed his new horse as he made his walk of shame back to the tower after being unable to retrieve a ladder. Sudoku let out a sort of snort as he shook his mane. Taehyung pouted. "I know right. And now that we don't have the ladder we're probably screwed. She'll probably kill me."

Sudoku sounded rather unbothered by this statement and continued to walk along the forest path after releasing a snort.

"What? No. Actually she doesn't scare me. It's hard to be scared of someone I knew since we were in diapers. I remember when she'd run around in pig tails and..." Taehyung trailed off before frowning. "I just don't understand, (Y/N) used to be the nicest person I knew. We used to hang out and talk all the time. I thought it would be really great to reconnect but the moment she saw me in the toy shop it felt like she literally despised me. And no matter how hard I try to think about what I did to make her feel this way, I can't figure it out. I've never met a girl this confusing in my whole life."

The white horse whinnied.

"What! No I don't enjoy it! She threatens me like every five minutes!" Taehyung protested, crossing his arms. "Although..." He began to trail off, his head tilting slightly as he steered the horse in the right direction. "It's really... different. She's different. A girl has never treated me like this before.

Sudoku whinnied once more and Taehyung found himself blushing.

"HEY! No!"He protested, "I am NOT attracted by it! It just makes me more determined to get her to be friends with me again... You bad horse!" Taehyung paused and immediately felt bad for raising his voice so leaned down to wrap his arms around his neck. "I'm sorry," He apologized, kissing the horse's head, "You're a good horse. It's just that (Y/N) makes me really confused and I needed someone to talk to."

Sudoku huffed and continued his trot, unable to answer Taehyung or even understand what he was saying.

"What? You think she looked pretty?" Taehyung questioned, more so just talking aloud to himself at this point and laughing nervously. "I guess she did. I mean I think she'd look prettier if she wasn't frowning so much but..." He paused, swallowing hard. "You know what maybe we should talk about something else."

Sudoku didn't respond. Taehyung released a long nervous sigh and slightly blew a curl out of his eye.

"Horses don't have a lot of worries. Even though people sit on them all the time they still seem pretty happy. Is it nice being a horse Sudoku?"

Another whinny sounded, causing Taehyung to beam.

"I'm glad you're happy and enjoy your horse life! I'm actually pretty happy too. Well... I was at least. But things have been bothering me lately. You know, I don't think (Y/N) is happy. That's what bothers me." Taehyung paused and laughed nervously again. "I-I'm sorry, I meant to change the subject. I didn't mean to talk about (Y/N)."

He coughed awkwardly before shaking his head, nearing the tower so deciding to stay quiet so you couldn't over hear the conversation. Taehyung dismounted and patted Sudoku affectionately; giving him his box smile and heart melting eyes as he stroked his head.

"Wish me luck," Taehyung whispered, "Fingers crossed. Well... hooves. You know what never mind." Taehyung hugged his neck one more time while cooing. "You are a very good horse Sudoku, thanks for talking to me and letting me sit on you for so long."

Sudoku simply pushed his nose against Taehyungs cheek before pulling away and snorting lightly, blowing his curls a bit.

Taehyung chuckled before turning around to look at the tower worriedly. He took a deep breath and cautiously neared the base of the structure.

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