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"Park Jimin, actually," The handsome male corrected, dismounting Sudoku in a grand spectacle that immediately made Taehyung's jaw clench. "It's been awhile, princess."

Your mind was in a state of shock at the given situation that was in front of you. It had been predetermined that you wouldn't be seeing Jimin ever again due to his false identity within a story book, and yet, he was in front of you once again. What was going on?

"But... are you-"

"That's my horse!" Taehyung butted in, interrupting with clear irritation laced within his throat as he struggled against the net that had entrapped the two of you.

"Taehyung!" You immediately scolded when the net began swinging about with his commotion, "Stop moving!" 

His struggles had caused further unfortunate positioning as your head slammed against his chest and he only continued to thrash. His heartbeat pounded next to your ears before you tried to pry yourself away.

Jimin eyed the spectacle before smiling softly and shrugging; beginning to return to Sudoku.

"W-Wait!" You called down to the male, ears hot from the closeness you shared with Taehyung, "Aren't you going to let us down?"

"Well, I was. But I see now that the two of you look pretty comfortable so..."

"GIVE ME BACK MY HORSE, SHORTIE!" Taehyung hissed in anger before you clamped his mouth shut with your hand. Taehyung however would not be stopped by such things and quickly ran his tongue against your palm. When you retreated your hand and shivered in horror, he latched his teeth onto the rope of the net and attempted to gnaw his way free.

You and Jimin stared at he who had apparently gone insane with wide eyes before slowly making eye contact.

"Umm... don't take this the wrong way princess," Jimin spoke rather shyly, "But is it a good idea to let you two down?"

"Uh..." You eyed Taehyung trying to bite through the ropes before looking back at Jimin. "He isn't usually like this. He just really likes that horse. I promise he'll behave... hopefully?" While you spoke you placed a hand on his shoulder that made him tense up before hanging his head and retreating his mouth from the ropes.

Jimin arched an eyebrow skeptically before reluctantly reaching the base of the trap and untying the rope so that the two of you were hastily lowered and eventually hit the ground.

Taehyung wasted no time and took off the moment he was free; barreling into his horse friend and hugging it's neck tightly as Sudoku calmly took the overwhelming reunion.

"Sudoku!" He exuberantly exclaimed, already burying his face into the horses mane, "I missed you so much!"

The horse only flicked it's ear in response, but for Taehyung it was enough. He was overjoyed. However, in his happiness at being reunited with his old friend, he had almost forgotten that someone had been riding his horse... and was now helping you up with a smile so charming that it made him sick.

Taehyung felt fire build up inside him as he watched the other male reach out a hand for you that you gratefully clasped against yours with pink cheeks as he pulled you to your feet. 

This burning and aching sensation was familiar. It had occurred within him before during the last chapter you had seen Jimin, 'Princess and the Frog'. However, this time the sensation was intensified to proportions much greater as he couldn't help but immediately internally explode in anger upon the sight of him touching you.

"Who does he think he is?!" He angrily hissed to Sudoku before stomping towards you and Jimin and quickly pulling you slightly away from him. Without any words said, he gripped onto your waist and you yelped in surprise when he lifted you up and draped you over his shoulder; carrying you away and leaving Jimin staring wide eyed at the sight as Taehyung carried you to Sudoku despite your protests and put you down only to quickly motion for you to climb on the horse. 

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