FIVE| Cooked

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Author's note: You guys have no idea how fun this book is to write oh my goodness~

You opened your eyes to see that where you were at... was not where you had been upon closing them. Your spine tingled slightly and you shivered upon the spontaneous change in atmosphere. 

The once visions of the giant's treasure were now replaced with dark woods; trees of ominous shapes and forms spiraling high above beneath the setting sun. It was eerie.

You snapped your head towards your left when you heard Taehyung release a sound of displeasure.

"That was weird..." He murmured, shivering a bit. "Now where are we?" 

You only stared at him wide eyed in response as his new attire was presented to you in a fashion that almost made you burst out laughing. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stop this from happening however. You didn't want your nemesis to see you exhibit any signs of joy in his presence.

After seeing your expression he looked down at himself and squeaked in surprise.

"Ack! I'm German!" He spoke, pulling on the straps of his lederhosen in wonder as he inspected them. "Actually I don't look too bad. Even though it's a little old. Why do we keep being changed into old clothes?"

You rolled your eyes and looked down at yourself to see you were once again wearing a dress... sigh... but this time in a much different style. It looked like a traditional dress worn by German woman long ago. At least you didn't look as ridiculous as Taehyung who's outfit consisted of leather knee length pants along with a sort of suspender that connected across his chest. 

"(Y/N)?" He called, trying to get your attention when you didn't say anything. You arched an eyebrow his way in response. He smiled upon making eye contact and cupped his cheeks with the palms of his hands, he squishing them to create a cute baby-like look. "Do I look cute?" He questioned, his admittedly adorable features currently contrasting with his deep velvety voice.

"No," You snapped quickly, trying to pay him no mind and focus more on the important matters, "You look ridiculous." He pouted and narrowed his eyes when his small attempt at getting you to cave didn't work at all. Now he just felt self conscious and hid his eyes from you as he fell silent.

Being in the middle of the woods was not something to take lightly, especially since when you looked around all you could see were trees. There was a sort of trail on the ground but it forked off in many directions.

This wasn't good.

"Taehyung let me see your wrist," You instructed, and he obeyed while keeping quiet. The word QUESTION was now replaced with the word LURE.

You looked at your own arm to see that it now said SAVE. You also noticed that the satchel with the book inside was still hanging off your shoulder.

You breathed out for a moment.

"OK, so I guess this is the next chapter or whatever. We need to get to the next one as quickly as possible because there's... nothing here. In fact we may be lost." Taehyung said nothing and you looked to see that he was staring off into space. "Taehyung are you even listening to me?!"

He looked up and blinked slightly.

"Sorry. I guess," he muttered, "But I'm hungry."

"Didn't you just eat?"

"No!" He insisted, eyes following a frog that hopped across the trail, "I only ate like one bite of pie. And who knows how much time passes when we switch chapters?"

You went quiet when realized you didn't know... time had been sort of hazy ever since the earthquake in the toy store and this frightened you. How long had you and Taehyung been there?

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