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"Wow Tae, you look so happy. Guess you aren't sad anymore? About your sister and growing up and stuff?"

"Yeah I feel a lot better. I'm happy because I met someone who looked sadder than me and I helped cheer him up."

"At school?"

"Yeah. He was sitting alone and looked really... down. He wasn't making an effort to talk to anyone either. I approached him and he looked really surprised, but after talking for awhile he got a bit more comfortable with me. I think I made him happier, and helping him took away my worries."

"Sounds like a typical day for Kim Taehyung. What was his name by the way?"

"Hmm, uhh... let me think... oh yeah! It was Jimin. Park Jimin, actually. That's his full name."


"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Your throat burned from yelling his name for what must have been the millionth time as panic continuously coursed through your veins. The sun was setting, and he still wasn't back. You hated yourself for letting him leave.

"I don't think he came this way," Jimin pointed out while peering at the road closely, "I don't see any horse prints."

"But we already checked the other direction! How far did he go?!"

Jimin stayed silent and you realized he had no answer or anyway of easing your conscious and assuring you he would be fine.

You paced a bit and worked your fingers through your hair as you did your best to calm down in front of Jimin.

You tried to avoid the thought, but it was now near impossible as the sun sank lower in the sky and your companion still wasn't back. Taehyung had left. He ran away. If only you had dealt with his funk in a better way than just scolding him. If only you had stopped him.

After Jimin's story, your fear was only intensified as you realized the true horror of what could happen to Taehyung.


You didn't want to stop shouting. You would yell all night if you had to. You wouldn't be able to rest until you knew he was OK.

Jimin looked at you sympathetically before placing a hand on your shoulder that made you flinch in your current jumpy state.

"Don't worry (Y/N), let's go back to camp. I'll get a horse and look for him tonight while you rest."

You shook your head quickly.

"No way. I'll go with you."

Jimin smiled slightly and lowered his head a bit while poking his inner cheek with his tongue. His eyes showed a constant slight hint of another emotion you still were unable to recognize.

"I don't think I'll be able to convince you otherwise."

Relief flooded your body when you realized he wasn't going to fight you on the matter and you found yourself thankful at that moment.

"Thanks, Jimin."

"Don't mention it. Let's go get horses and supplies though, alright?"

You nodded while Jimin took the lead in turning back the direction you had came from. You gnawed on your lower lip as you walked back to camp.

"You're really in for it this time..." you muttered under your breath; threatening the missing male being the only thing you could do to comfort yourself. Jimin looked back a bit at you practically talking to yourself before awkwardly shifting his vision forward once more.

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